Any Recommendations


Active Member
Has anyone any recommendations or advice regarding this plant?Shes 4 weeks into flower,apart from some yellowing of the leaves,which Im told is normal, some of the stalks are looking a bit purple and the leaves droopy.Any advice is much appreciated amigos2014-01-21 19.14.46-1.jpg


Well-Known Member
What medium is it in? What and how much are you feeding it? Whats the temperature lights off and on?


Active Member
Its in soil,temps are around 74 all the time,feeding with every watering every approx 3 /4 days.
I should say I flushed her last week with pure water.


Well-Known Member
Any chance you know the pH of your runoff or what the pH is of the solution you are feeding? Could be a salt buildup or lockout.


Active Member
I always make sure my ph is around 6.So you reckon there is something up?Im getting cal mag today and will add it with the next feed/watering which will probably be Friday.
Here is a better picture that shows the drooping leaves 2014-01-21 12.15.20-1.jpg