Any Religious Trippers?


Well-Known Member
@green_machine_two9er ... I would very much enjoy a trip with You, kind sir.
I appreciate Your perspective and omni view on Religion even when You were raised with a rigid belief system such as Christianity. We are ONE.
I really enjoy Your trip report too. The entheogenic reads are My favorites.

Do You feel Your "God-like" experience may have been due to YOUR past lessons and life experiences?

and 5 tabs of white fluff crystal lsd is all You took? Nothing else????

P.S. Glad Your foot is okay, You ninja warrior :)


Well-Known Member
@green_machine_two9er ... I would very much enjoy a trip with You, kind sir.
I appreciate Your perspective and omni view on Religion even when You were raised with a rigid belief system such as Christianity. We are ONE.
I really enjoy Your trip report too. The entheogenic reads are My favorites.

Do You feel Your "God-like" experience may have been due to YOUR past lessons and life experiences?

and 5 tabs of white fluff crystal lsd is all You took? Nothing else????

P.S. Glad Your foot is okay, You ninja warrior :)
Only some dank sativa dom buds and the cid. I feel strongly being in ghe meditative state with great Indian kurtan music had a key role.
But this expierence couldn't have happened if one small turn in life had happened differently in the past. So yes its almost like planned out ahead. If after death we step outside of time. Time is only relative to gravity and matter. So outside of it i imagine our entire lives as a web of potentials all seen simultaneously. Perhaps we "choose" a lifr based on what we need to experience to grt a bit closer to enlightenment. And if you think harder (or less) if time Doesnt exsist in a spiritual rhealm who is to say we are reborn in what we perceive to be past tense. In fact this life could be past tense, already done over and over by many different souls. And another couldbe born back in ancient greece next life and be none the wiser. Or a intensly angry person may need to humbled by experiencing life as submissive pet maltese. Or a sex addict a eunuch serving a king in 8th century china. Idk lifes wierd ??


Well-Known Member
love is my religion <3
Amen to that brother! Ive been working on loving no matter the circumstance. Even the evil and everything wrong with this world. Shadows only exsist due to absence of light. As fear and hate only because of a lack of love. So we still love theves and abusers for they are just reacting to the lack of love. Love is the only thing that transcends time and space So it is the only truth that resinates through this exsistance and the next


Well-Known Member
Amen to that brother! Ive been working on loving no matter the circumstance. Even the evil and everything wrong with this world. Shadows only exsist due to absence of light. As fear and hate only because of a lack of love. So we still love theves and abusers for they are just reacting to the lack of love. Love is the only thing that transcends time and space So it is the only truth that resinates through this exsistance and the next
YES!!!! YOU UNDERSTAND !!!! solve et coagula