Damn Cani....Stay low. You know how I feel about your openness and of course this may be related.

a bunch of dispensaries got raided a few days ago in SD, without federal help. They handcuffed patients and did the usual theft. Fucking pigs...and the potheads who love them (SocataSmoker and friends!) I have felt a dark cloud since the Verminator stuck his nose up the GOP's ass and decided to increase crime, prosecution, and incarceration, by releasing criminals...all for LEO federal stimulus...this was a green light for local leo to violate the same law that they are paid to protect, and fuck the very citizens they are paid to protect
I am not a criminal. I do not support crime. I am conservative where simple logic dictates. If the police were actually spending 100% of their time fighting crime they would be heroes...like firefighters. But instead they spend huge sums of tax dollars playing a game. They are hunters, predators, and thugs. They are preying on the largest group of pacifists in the world next to freaking Tibetan monks...why? Because they are thugs. They are no different than other gangs who roam the street armed and wearing colors. There agenda is not to stop crime (this is like a cancer researcher finding a cure...not good for job security!) Their agenda is the rush. Dressing up like G.I. Joe and playing cops and robbers...they get to play with their assault rifles and body armor...maybe even take out the armored personnel carrier (are you freaking kidding?)
It is time for people to stop defending the out of control local PD's with some sort of veiled patriotism/fear/childish admiration or whatever it is that allows those who smoke marijuana to accept that it is "illegal" and support the police. We might be pacifists, but make no mistake, they are at
WAR...against you, me, and millions of other otherwise law abiding citizens.
Thugs in body armor going to pick on a little girl...what tough little boys all dressed up in costumes....meanwhile 37 cars are stolen everyday just in little SD county...shootings at the transit center, little girls preyed upon on their way to school (early morning hours...pigs dressed up for war, snooping though the panty drawer for some excitement...rather than stopping crime...what is the fun in that!)
Oh! but our sidewalks are safe from skate boarders and the weeds are being pulled from the forests and groves! I am sure that the ants and squirrels appreciate all that crime fighting!
All this being said (If I have gone to far FDD, I will delete the post...no need to close!) I have been around a lot less lately (for several reasons) and continue to hope that my extremely small and personal grow will keep these assholes from violating my liberty.
I have seen these monsters before (2 neighbors not for growing but for "drugs") They operate with no jurisdiction on their battle gear, use personal assault riffles (some quite exotic) and when they called for a marked car to put my neighbor in, the local sheriffs station has no clue that the operation is even taking place OR who is actually doing the raid. They hit the door, and several windows at 6 or 7 am, with Ski masks! and when they came out of the house, pulled the masks down, even after the raid.
For those who think that cops are honest citizens doing a difficult job (by choice) and are trustworthy and with honor...the task force does not even trust their own brothers. This should tell everyone who thinks that Ponch and John are the good guys that something is wrong in LE and has been since War was declared on citizens.
Be safe Cani