Any strain good for asthma?

Amazing amount of ignorance in this thread combined with no one answering the original question. I have severe asthma and have found a few strains that are far better than anything the pharmacies provide. Without mmj I would not be functioning at all due to the asthma.

I do vape, irreguardless whether the need is breathing, nausea or pain. The strains that work the best for asthma are:

Doc greenthumbs Sour Diesel
Gorilla Glue #4
DJ Shorts F13
Mr Nice

In 44 years of use I have tried hundreds of strains, these four offer 5 - 10 hours of relief with zero dangerous side effects.

Studies have demonstrated that THC may act as a temporary (1-2 hours) bronchodilator, especially when ingested. The New England Journal of Medicine, published a 1973 study that stated, “Marihuana smoke, unlike cigarette smoke, causes broncho-dilation rather than broncho-constriction [narrowing of the air passages] and, unlike opiates, does not cause central respiratory depression [i.e. a decrease in breathing].”

Another long-term study (20 years) done from 1985 to 2006, examined 5,000 subjects from three American cities. The researchers questioned the participants about their cannabis and cigarette use, and tested lung capacity as well as rate of air flow out of their lungs. To their surprise, the researchers found that at low to moderate levels of cannabis smoking, lung volume and air flow rates both increased with each “joint year” (365 joints), up until seven joint-years (or 2,555 joints).
The strain I vape is Headband. Try it you like, but at full strength you'll probably just end up taking a really long nap.
I have problem lungs and find many strains cause breathing difficulty. None of them make it better..... I have a few strains that do not bother my breathing and give the quality high I need.

A vape will limit the irritating effects of the smoke on the lungs. Might want to consider that as well. The terpene pinene or skunk type strains are said to dilate the bronchials.
Studies have demonstrated that THC may act as a temporary (1-2 hours) bronchodilator, especially when ingested. The New England Journal of Medicine, published a 1973 study that stated, “Marihuana smoke, unlike cigarette smoke, causes broncho-dilation rather than broncho-constriction [narrowing of the air passages] and, unlike opiates, does not cause central respiratory depression [i.e. a decrease in breathing].”

Another long-term study (20 years) done from 1985 to 2006, examined 5,000 subjects from three American cities. The researchers questioned the participants about their cannabis and cigarette use, and tested lung capacity as well as rate of air flow out of their lungs. To their surprise, the researchers found that at low to moderate levels of cannabis smoking, lung volume and air flow rates both increased with each “joint year” (365 joints), up until seven joint-years (or 2,555 joints).
great info thx