Any thoughts just by the look of my veg leafs?


New Member
The second picture, the bottom rows of leaves. There are some yellow spots. It's the only leaf out of my whole grow but If something is going wrong I want to catch it right away.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, i had to zoom in to see the problem..

hope this chart helps a little, im no expert so i cant really help u out.

That chart i posted is incomplete, just google nutrient deficiency charts on google for a bunch of useful charts.


Well-Known Member
May be pests. The white speckles on leaves gives it away. May be a little note burned as well. But maybe wait till someone a little more experienced answers. My 2¢ though.


Active Member
spider mites are a pita.

Spider mites are easy to identify and they sure love anything with a hint of sativa in it. Look under the effected leaves and you'l see little moving dots, their incredibly small but they do a lot of damage. Chemical solutions knock them dead instantly but about three days later the eggs will hatch a new colony of the buggers, hit them again and once more three days later again usually does the trick for me.

I had blueberry and northern lights in one grow long before the days info was this widely spread online. The NL was completely infested before I figured out what they where but the blueberry was extremely pest resilient and didn't have any signs of pests the entire grow despite being right next to each other. tried everything under the sun to get rid of those bastards trying to stay organic with no results. chemicals work well enough but plants that like to get them can be a battle to keep them gone, for those I like to give them a good blast shortly before flowering and throw the plants in the tub to spray any chemicals off the plants a week later or just before I flower just in case then try some organic solutions to ward them off for the rest of the time.


Well-Known Member
U have this early stage u can get alcohol and wipe down the leaves. Upper and lower leaf surfaces...that will eliminate mites and eggs. But not from the soil. Mix a tbsp of dish soap into a gallon of water and drench your plants with it.


Well-Known Member
None, shit. What do I need to get?
Ambition. In a word of what you need that about sums it up. You need to spray every three days for like a month. Everything. Dirt, stems, the bottom of the leaf esspecially but also the tops, aaalllll the surounding tables and equipment (with bleach water not bug spray), one month of shitty intermitant spraying or two and a half weeks of honest spraying and youll get rid of them. They suck, specially in the summer.


Well-Known Member
Nice call again. Ya, i didnt see them till i read yoir post....and looked again. The plants look great but theres spots down under.
You and I are 99.5% on the same page...if I've seen that you posted I will always read what you have to say on the subject. You or i usually nail it;)

Oh, after I told OP that, I noticed she started another thread immediatly after..
I lolled....
btw You are welcome OP...pfffft


Well-Known Member
I would look into getting some spray for the mites if that what they are this early on you might get away with using a smoke bomb to clear the mites, you can get all these from a garden center or home depot, if you have an EC meter I would check your run off just to see how high the feed is