any tips on my medium mix?


New Member
ok im gonna try n make my own for once im thinking of using the following per gallon 1 cup bone meal 1 cup black strap molasses 1 cup egg shells 1 cup of banana peels (dried) 1 cup coffee grounds 1 cup wood ash 2 cups perlite 3 1/2 cups coco 1 cup bat guano 1 cup sea bird guano 1 cup worm castings and 1 1/2 cup organic seaweed ........ let me kno any comments and tip never made my own b4
Are you basing your's on a previous mixture? You have some good stuff in there, I'd suggest maybe adding another cup of perlite.
no ive never made my own I came up with this thru research an a lot of it I saw a lotta people using alotta diff things multiple people posted their own "recipes" i based my recipe off of the ingredients i felt would be the most beneficial been to a lot of different thread sites and liked this one by far the best an decided to register an get some knowledge by asking my own questions ill be posting more i love to learn n hear about peoples personal experiences
Sounds good to only thing is I think molasses should only be used when mixed in water, not in the soil directly.
Here's a few I have grabbed on this site.
The attachment has tea recipes also.

Mix soil, add water to moist and let sit for 3-6 weeks

Soil Mix 1:
-4 gallons* Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil
-2 1/2 quarts* Chunky Perlite (soil already has a good bit of perlite in it)
-1 tablespoon* Hi-Cal lime (figured it would be a bit of a PH buffer in addition the FFOF Oyster Shells, but didn't want to go overboard)
-2 quarts* Earth Worm Castings (Provide bacteria and help supplement Nitrogen production for the plants)
-1/4 cup* Espoma Tomato Tone 3-4-6 (mainly to provide a little extra N-P-K across the board)
-1/2 cup* Algamin Kelp Meal 1-0-2 (mainly for trace elements)
-1/4 cup*Espoma Greensand (mainly for water retention as I added extra perlite).

Soil mix 2:
-1.5 cubic feet Fox Farm Ocean Forest
-38 cups Wiggle Worms Earthworm Casting (1-0-0)
-10 cups Perlite(may add more eventually)
-11 tsp Rooters Mycorrhizae
*Soil Base
-1.5 cups Indonesian Hi-P Bat Guano (.5-13-.2)
-1.5 cups Algamin Kelp Meal (1-0-2)
-1.5 cups Espoma Tomato Tone (3-4-6)
*Nutritional Amendments
-1.5 cups Azomite(used as a rock dust)
-0.5 cup Espoma Green sand
-1.25cups Hi-Cal Lime
*Mineral Amendments

Subcool's organic soil mix:
6-8 large bags of high quality organic soil (Roots Organic (taste) or Harvest Moon (Yields))
or fox Farms mixed 2-1 with Light Warrior

8- Large bags of High quality Organic potting soil with a coco and Mycorrhizae
1- 25-50 pounds of Organic Worm castings
5 lb. Steamed Bone meal
5 lb. Bloom bat Guano
5 lb. Blood meal
3 lb. Rock Phoshate
¾ cup Epson salts
½ to 1 Cup cup Sweet Lime ( Dolimite)
½ Cup Azomite ( Trace Elements)
2- TBS Powdered Humic Acid
1/2 cup cal/mag for r/o ?
Place a few bags of base soil in first making a mound. I then place the powdered nutrients in a circle
around the mound and then cover with another bag of base soil.Then goes in the bat poop and then more
base soil. I continue to layer soil and additives until everything has been added to the pile.
So now I put on the muck boots, these help me kick the soil around and get it mixed up well using my
larger leg muscles and not my back and arms. This is hard work that I obsess on, even breaking up all
the clods of soil by hand. I mix for about 15 minutes, turning the pile over and over until it is
mixed well. I store the mix in large garbage cans. Before using the mix the entire load is poured out
once more and mixed well. Once placed in the containers I water it slightly adding 3 gallons of water
to a large garbage can full. It will make the stirring harder next week but it will activate the
Mycorrhizae and I think help all the powders dissolve.
So now we add water and let it cook in the sunshine. 30 days is best for this concentrate.
Do not put seeds or clones directly in this mix. It is an advanced mix used in conjunction with base
soil. It is used to place in the bottom of each finishing container and fully rooted established
clones are placed in a bed of base soil that is layered on top of the concentrate. As the plants
grow they slowly push their roots into the super soil drawing up all nutrients needed for a full cycle.
The Super Soil can be used also to top dress plants that take longer to mature.
I will use this mix for a full year just adding like 30-50% in the lower potion of the container and plain base soil in the top portion.
Base Soil means your regular potting soil Like Roots, Harvest Moon, or even sunshine mix without the additives!

Vic's Super Soil:

1 Bale sunshine mix #2 or promix (3.8 cu ft)
8 cups Bone Meal - phosphorus source
4 cups Blood Meal - nitrogen source
1 1/3 cups Epsom salts - magnesium source
3-4 cups dolomite lime -calcium source & pH buffering
4 cups kelp meal.
9kg (25 lbs) bag pure worm castings

- Mix thoroughly, moisten, and let sit (uncovered) 1-2 weeks before use.

ReUse Soil RECIPE #4
Three Little Birds Method
40 gallons used soil
4 cups alfalfa meal
4 cups bone meal
4 cups kelp meal
4 cups powdered dolomite lime
30 pound bag of earthworm castings . . .
That’s the basic recipe . . .
However we also like to use
4 cups of Greensand
4 cups of Rock Phosphate
4 cups of diatomaceous earth

Recycle soil
Growing Medium
My 100% Organic “$uperb” $oil Mix
Each 10-12 gallon batch of reclaimed, recycled, Fox Farms Ocean Forest Base soil I reconditioned w/

3 Gallons(48 cups) Mushroom Compost
2 Gallons(32 cups) Ancient Forest Compost,
2 1/2 Gallons(40 cups) Red Wiggler castings + 8cups*
10 cups Perlite*
1 cup Hi-Cal Lime,
1 cup Algamin Kelp Meal 1-0-2
½ cup Indonesian Hi-P Bat Guano .5-12-.2
½ cup Espoma Tomato Tone 3-4-6
½ cup Azomite
1 cup Greensand 0-0-0.1
3 cup Glacial Rock Dust*
11tsp Mycorrhizae spores.

And adding to it 3 gallons Nutri-Fibre compost, 1.5 gallons perlite, and 3 teaspoons mycos spores!

The soil mix that I used for those 3 plants originally was:
-1.5 cubic feet (roughy 11 Gallons) Fox Farm Ocean Forest
-2 Gallons(30 cups) Perlite
-3 tablespoons Hi-Cal lime
-1 1/2 Gallon(24 cups) Wiggle Worm Earth Worm Castings
-3/4cups Espoma Tomato Tone 3-4-6
-1 1/2cups Algamin Kelp Meal 1-0-2
-3/4cups Espoma Greensand 0-0-0.1
-7.5 cups Glacial Rock Dust


For the OP:

Your list of ingredients is mostly all "Nutrients" - not nearly enough plain old growing medium. Way to hot! You list 1 C. coffee grounds, 2 C. Perlite and 3 1/2 C. Coco Coire. That's 6 1/2 cups of "Soil"; the other 9 1/2 cups are all nutes!

Here is a recipe I reccomend for beginners; it is cheap and easy (only 4 ingredients). And it is readily available just about anywhere.

1 part "Store Bought" Topsoil.
1 part Compost (use store bought if you like).
1 part Perlite.
1 part Composted Steer Manure.

Use 1-2 Tblspns. of lime per gallon to buffer the pH as you see fit.