Any truth in taking clones from 2 week vegging motherplant

read online you can start taking clones as early as 2 weeks into vegging cycle no more than 2-3 cuttings ?
Unless your trying to outrun a pathogen or something like that and taking cuts of cuts of cuts like from just the tip of the meristem
pretty much each time i dont see why you wouldn't just wait till it's sexually mature to take clones
read online you can start taking clones as early as 2 weeks into vegging cycle no more than 2-3 cuttings ?
Wait til you have at least 5-6 nodes and just top the plant (3 nodes down) and use that to clone it.
When I’m working with reg seeds, that’s how I take my cut to sex them out with. It goes straight under 12/12 lighting. Roots and shows sex within 2 weeks time. If it’s male I chuck it.. if it’s female, I transplant both to larger containers.