Any Words Of Wisdom?


Well-Known Member
Drinking is bad news, especially if you're escaping with it. Can't you do something less destructive, like peeling off your toe-nails with needle nose pliers?
eh i just want to feel good. so its either i smoke, drink, get off, or actually do something with people. And people are in short supply this summer I noticed


Well-Known Member
Spend the $$ on some lights etc and grow some weed. You know, teach a man to fish blah blah blah lol


Well-Known Member
Shit I smoked half an oz a day plus hash for over a year straight when I was selling lbs. I used to get up in the morning and bong an eigth with hash chunks on top just to get high then smoke every hour or half hour throughout the day just to try to maintain any feeling.

Eight months ago I was arrested for felony distribution for selling a lb to an undercover set up by my best friend to save his own skin. I haven't smoked since and while I think about it every day I can still get by without it. in the process of going through the legal system to get probation so I can move to California and smoke and grow legally again.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh Urca I don`t see how you can sit there and say theres nothing to do. Theres LOADS of things to do, more than you can ever imagine. Running? Poi spinning? Meditation/yoga? Arts and crafts? Try if your very bored. Learn something new, become a member of a society. You said you like to hang out with nice people, go work for the charity, people there would be nice. Concider volunteering, the coolest people around volunteer etc...

And for this boy person thing, I don`t get the way girls think. We aren`t in the olden days anymore, sex is pretty damn normal and your the weird one out. I can understand you wouldn`t want to come home drunk with a random guy you didn`t even know the name of and have your first time. But this guy you admit does seem pretty nice and does not seem like the person to break your heart over nothing, but you can`t have that promise if you want a relationship and he doesn`t. Whats so special if you fuck and get to see the same person for days on end and continue with it? He clearly doesn`t want to get stranded in a relationship this point in his life and you have somebody nice to have your first time with. Win win situation if you ask me! Its interesting that you choose to be hurt anyway and want to drink and get high... Its not like he should do anything. You want a blooming multipack of a relationship and a first time, good luck with that I never got it :)

And gentle reminder. If you do start a relationship with someone, chances are it does end with a broken heart. Think about it, its going to end sometime right? Well how? Also girls tend to get very obsessive about the man they have their first time with....

Just my opinions anyway :)


Well-Known Member
actually thats a very good point... hmm maybe i should reconsider some things. btw, i did break down and buy weed so that I could get my sleeping cycle on normal again. for the couple weeks or so it has been wacky. so I just got myself high and set my alarm for 8 in the morning, and forced myself to go to sleep. better than nyquil.... i seriously got tired of staying up til 6 in the morning and then sleeping til 2:30


Well-Known Member
actually thats a very good point... hmm maybe i should reconsider some things. btw, i did break down and buy weed so that I could get my sleeping cycle on normal again. for the couple weeks or so it has been wacky. so I just got myself high and set my alarm for 8 in the morning, and forced myself to go to sleep. better than nyquil.... i seriously got tired of staying up til 6 in the morning and then sleeping til 2:30
Ahh don`t bash yourself up about it I broke down quite the many times :) It seems like it helps but it never really does, enjoy it while it lasts and do your best to not break down again! I was advising you to do Yoga because it gives you control over your mind, that will help you with sleeping and not buying the tenbag =D

Its been a week here and I don`t really crave it, I started smoking 2-4 cigs a day since exams though and I`m eradicating that habit right now. Oh if you don`t smoke cigs and roll joints with a filler concider using herbal tobacco when you smoke every once in a while. You don`t notice how addictive tobacco is at first, just makes you want to smoke more. Starts with preferring spliffs over bongs and then escalates :)

Oh but once you have a pattern of a life set up with enough money you can get as high as you want :) I`m waiting for that time to come to be honest, its worth waiting I can`t enjoy my high if I know I`m escaping from things anyway. I like to get high and start thinking about a clean head and a clean heart :) Thats not gonna happen at the mo so best off waiting :) Good luck to you!

Actually a genious thing I did was sit down while feeling my nicest high and start thinking about all the things I`m going to do. I would think I`m gonna do this like this then that like that and write it all down on a piece of paper saying I`m waiting to be sober. My 1/8th would finish and I`d start getting angry and pissed off then look at the piece of paper saying all the amazing things I was gonna do :D Its like my past self telling me to get my ass into gear :D It totally works for me :D


Active Member
never do or buy something you dont have the money for. go outside meet new people change it up a little and things will fall into place you will also eventually sleep better and if its not a problem for you when yu get some cash buy a small bag and you will get really high off of less...hence you wont have to keep shelling out cash.
um, its been two days since i got high, and im miserable. not only that, but its been at least a week since i actually felt high when i smoke, as opposed to a good buzz. idk, i feel like breaking down and buying weed, but like i know i should save money. but i really miss the feeling of being completely stoned. and my sleeping patterns are all fucked up. gah!!!!! any words of wisdom
A ripe mango 20 minutes before smoking will intensify your high. Pot is a spritual plant and should be free to all. LEO will not allow this to happen and so, when we're short of money, as in a recession, our spiritual well being is compromised just as surely as our financial well being. My family has long grown our own supply. I just left my family home and have a great roommate and we together are doing our first on our own grows, out of the Family bosom. It's very exciting to get to try things my own way. I just know I'll make my Grams proud with my Jacks'!