Anybody around the Denver area


Well as all us noons do I over watered the plant so I'm gonna have to wait or maybe start off with fresh soil and hope to god it doesn't die??


Well-Known Member
overwatering won't kill it unless you keep doing it.
Agreed - just let it dry out Lee710, and pour off what you can if it is drenched and the water is pooling.

Did I read that right that the lighting being used is just 2 x T-8? If so, that is not helping the situation much, and you'll have to be sure to keep them right over the plant as close as possible, and reflect as much light as possible back to the plant with white walls or mylar or whatever.


Agreed - just let it dry out Lee710, and pour off what you can if it is drenched and the water is pooling.

Did I read that right that the lighting being used is just 2 x T-8? If so, that is not helping the situation much, and you'll have to be sure to keep them right over the plant as close as possible, and reflect as much light as possible back to the plant with white walls or mylar or whatever.
Yeah for rn I just have two bulbs and will white walls??


Agreed - just let it dry out Lee710, and pour off what you can if it is drenched and the water is pooling.

Did I read that right that the lighting being used is just 2 x T-8? If so, that is not helping the situation much, and you'll have to be sure to keep them right over the plant as close as possible, and reflect as much light as possible back to the plant with white walls or mylar or whatever.
Literally as high as I can get I assume I'm gonna wake up tmrw and have to raise my lights



Well-Known Member
Literally as high as I can get I assume I'm gonna wake up tmrw and have to raise my lights
That'll work - just gotta keep 'em close. You may not get great results from flowering with just a couple of T-8's, so I'd upgrade if possible, but they'll grow and you won't have any heat issues at least. Something that concentrates more usable light directly over your plants would be better, but you can't use what you don't have or can't afford, of course.

I did T-8's early on. Moving the lights every day was a pain but I never once burned a plant.


That'll work - just gotta keep 'em close. You may not get great results from flowering with just a couple of T-8's, so I'd upgrade if possible, but they'll grow and you won't have any heat issues at least. Something that concentrates more usable light directly over your plants would be better, but you can't use what you don't have or can't afford, of course.

I did T-8's early on. Moving the lights every day was a pain but I never once burned a plant.
I'm gonna try and get my gf to get in on this and help pay for better quality lights and nutes...I mean I am taking up half her closet
Lee I would check out the cmh 315w. Imo it's the perfect light for the headstash grower. Lots of grow shops have them in the area - you should be able to pick one up under 500 with bulb. I've got two.


I am so broke rn bud...just had to pay 1500 on rent for being a little late lol...I'm gonna try and maybe use a mirror if not mirror than a white sheet


Well-Known Member
I am so broke rn bud...just had to pay 1500 on rent for being a little late lol...I'm gonna try and maybe use a mirror if not mirror than a white sheet
not a mirror. you'll get hot spots. flat white paint is a good choice and cheap.

look on craigslist for a used light setup. or there are a few growshops in DEN that sell used stuff.


not a mirror. you'll get hot spots. flat white paint is a good choice and cheap.

look on craigslist for a used light setup. or there are a few growshops in DEN that sell used stuff.
I live in a about painting plywood or cardboard and putting those up as a wall
That's not going to help man :) it kicks out some heat, but if you're interested I've got a 250/400 that's been run less than two grow cycles I'd let it go for 150 with hortilux bulb. I'm in the Denver area.

You'll definitely need to run some ventilation though if you step up to any hid. Then again, if you're not ventilating now, that may be why your leaves are droopy. Plants need good airflow.


So I'm gonna get panda film and a fan today and when I have enough cash I'll be most definitely buying those lights off you... Thanks guy's