Anybody Collect Anything?

I collect physical copies of music I CDs, vinyl records, cassettes etc. I have a whole bunch of mp3s and stuff too but I like to have these as well. I've only been at it for like 3-4 years but I pick up new stuff when I have the money to spend on music. Here are some pics :)



i collect all sorts of crap, mostly all car / race car related, strange as that maybe..

anything from redline hot wheels, to corgi's, and some newer hot wheels stuff if it appeals to me.. also plastic model kits of mostly formula one cars and some can / am stuff as well..

I also collect Redline Hot Wheels and Meteorites.
I used to collect many things. Now I don't as much. After you get a few thousand book it starts to get cumbersome. Always wanted to collect fossils but soon realized that there was a sizable illegal fossil market that pillaged a lot. Collecting them would feed this problem. Then I wanted to collect cone snail shells. But it was pretty darned obvious that the harvesting of cone snails is unsustainable and that collecting them in any way would contribute to this practice. Nowadays I am more content just looking, rather than owning. So I go to museums and auctions.

I think ebay has something to do with it. When almost anything is freely available, why bother collecting it? I think this has made me hone my collecting to things that still present a challenge.

One exception for me would be primary sources. I will always buy a primary source if I can afford to. Diaries, photographic negatives, even recordings.

A few nights ago in Random jibber jabber, somebody (single malt?) brought up bomber nose art. I have a few rolls from WWII in India or China of a whole bomber crews' individual photos of each of them burying their faces in the crotch of their pin-up girl in feigned cunnilingus. They're funny. I'll dig 'em up. I still collect this type of stuff. When I get old I will compile something cool out of them
Rocks, from pebbles to 100 pounders. Just like 'em, but don't really do anything with them other than dump 'em in my yard. Have done a little bit of knapping and made some spearpoints just to prove I can do it, but mostly dump them in my yard
Rocks, from pebbles to 100 pounders. Just like 'em, but don't really do anything with them other than dump 'em in my yard. Have done a little bit of knapping and made some spearpoints just to prove I can do it, but mostly dump them in my yard

I forgot about my pebble collection.
A buddy of mine finds round river rock
and drills holes in them. Then he sticks
a steel rod in the ground. Next he slides
the rocks over the rod so in his yard it appears that he has rocks stacked
vertically like a mad genius.

In nature plants don't live in plastic buckets but at my house they do or they get the f**k out!
Different kinds of tea, seeds, magic the gathering cards, and coins. I have a decent collection of all 4.
I know these are weird things to collect, but:

Simpson's Board Games (like Simpson's Monopoly, Clue, Operation and more)
Shells that are shaped like ears (whenever I go to the beach, I'm drawn to the weathered/beaten ear-shaped shells)

I have a whole drawer full of ear-shaped shells. It's getting kind of scary/hoarder-ish.
I collect marijuana seeds.......I think right now I own something like 67 strains. I guess it's an addictive hobby.

I'm going to start doing this. I was thinking about how awesome it would be to have a wall of mother plants in individually lit 3 walled cubes/cubbies. Seeds seem like a much easier but equally fun collection.