Anyone here into day trading? Play any strategies? I personally trade gaps on etf's, FAS and FAZ, in particular. Any else into it?
My specific experience is in energy markets, crude oil, nat gas, emissions, ... So I like to use that knowledge to trade the energy sector, as well as stay up on new alternative energies that will soon take over our current methods of energy production/consumption (such as Tesla motors n their new electric car line), staying up on new generations of wind/solar/hydro technology as that will play a huge roll in breaking our nationwide dependance on foreign natural resources (mainly, oil), and many other sectors ...Anyone here into day trading? Play any strategies? I personally trade gaps on etf's, FAS and FAZ, in particular. Any else into it?
hey Korhash,FOREX is my game. just a beginner though. anyone interested in getting started i would recommend checking out Investopedia or babypips websites. those great educational sites to give anyone a good idea how it works. Good thing about forex is you can start with very little cash, $200 or $300 to open micro accounts.
The fact that coins are pre 33 means nothing today, the order to confiscate gold has been rescinded, if they are going to confiscate it again new rules will be written and those older coins will probably not be included anymore. When gold was confiscated, if you held the gold in your house it was left alone, the govt did not go door to door taking gold. The gov't went to the banks and removed all the gold from vaults and safe deposits. People were allowed to hold 5 ounces personally, and since they never knew how much you had to begin with if you held it private, then you were still well off even if you had thousands of ounces.if anyone need gold/gold coins let me know. lots of pre 1933 stuff.
when i first started researching this stuff in high school (after getting inspired by movies like wall street, boiler room, rogue trader lol), i was in the same position. i went to the library and would read 3 books a week on all aspects of finance. i didn't know where the fuck to even start. from stocks, options, etfs, forex, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, etc. eventually, i decided to move forward concentrating on forex. i started with websites like then i started reading a lot of books on forex. i started up a play money/fake money account then moved up to microlots, then mini then standard. i also attended classes on trading. it's a big investment, but if you have the doe and you're really looking to excel, i suggest looking for good academies on trading. online trading academy is a good one (OTA) and it's not online lol.I'm really keen to learn some of this stuff, my mate makes some serious bank trading... just have absolutely no idea where to start... any suggestions?