Anybody else watching Horror films this month?

The Shining is tops. This one is odd.
Anyone seen Heredity? Thinking of watching it today. Hill House on Netflix is great. Exorcist FTW. Sorry, I hate the B horror shite...

For me that's also what makes them good. Seeing just how bad these movies can be, and still get made.

Like the producer literally saying, "this movie is just terrible, but we'll get paid for brining it to market so...".
Nosferatu was on TCM channel last month, its a good one. I watched The Mist for the 1st time last week, I ussually hate the endings of movies(happy BS, not realistic to life) but this one was good. I guess the ending of the movie was different from the book and even Stephen King liked the movie ending although it differed from the book.