i quess ive got a new topic for this, now it will read, can you overdose on bitching too much and being ambushed by giant steaming piles of cock.
has anybody ever died from bitching too much, they sure have. for example, nearly the entire cast of final destination one, two, and three, anne frank, donald trump, and the blues brothers.
and for the second part, has cock ever killed anybody? as a matter of fact, yes. well maybe not directly and maybe i cant prove it, but some half tits and vag shots covered by something we all love should be more appreciated, its not porn, its art, since there are pot leaves and some dude with a 14 inch cock the size of a manhole cover is not pounding that vag while taking the lords name in vain, its not wrong. and if you think it is, then im telling your your opinion is wrong.