Anybody ever see this before?

Grow Harder

Well-Known Member
Every seed I've ever popped ALWAYS starts with 2 cotyledon leaves opening up to show 2 very small single cannabis leaves. However this one opened up and where there should be leaves theres just a hole and then the stem. I dont even know what to make of it and was just wondering how many of u(if any) have seen this kinda thing b4.
First pic is the wierd one
Second pic is of a seed soaked, germed and planted at the same exact time and u can see its exactly how it should be. Even if u dont know what's up, share ur thoughts or theories20200918_173521.jpg20200918_174305.jpg

Ok well now it seems like we're getting to the root of the problem. These are simply old ass seeds! As far as garbage weed idk. I popped 2 beans and 1 sprouted normally. If it's not male, I'll revisit this and let ya know if it was indeed trash. Too early to say that tho
From nirvana I'm 99% sure that seed is over 8 years old
I cant say ur wrong lol. Old seeds are one thing but they have a FEW ( not many) pretty potent strains. Original glue for instance. that stuff truly KO'D me on several occasions. girls scout cookie was real nice to grow,flavorful and potent. Aurora indica and I'm pretty much running through the entire seed catalogue. U just gotta know what's good and for me theres one way to find out. Grow em all!