Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

I just about have what i think is the most bangin' small scale setup put together finally, and can't wait to show you guys some results.

Glad I decided to not wing it and inject MSS directly to 90 second rice bags, even though that can work. I been forming a whole new plan, and getting up to date on all the best new TEKs. Even came up with a few of my own new inventions to test out, before introducing them to the communities. You guys can get first lick though, and see behind the scenes what i'm up too. ;-)

About to do my first batches of agar (my MEA powder just showed up yesterday, so gonna try both no-pours in the Instant pot, and also try pouring a few dishes on the side as well, in the new hepa flow boxes I built), so I can test all the new equipment i been working on.

I collected a bunch of new varieties to scope out and put to the plates too, once I know everything is in check. Even got swabs from friends of some different albino exotics and whatnot.

My new plan is MSS to agar (using the quadrant streaking method I learned about, possibly with my new 200watt electronic inoculation loop made from a vape mod, that heats up red hot and sterilizes the replaceable coils, without having to flame it between uses, with the push of a button!), then do some A2A transfers a few times to clean anything up, then A2G, then also start doing G2Gs, and put it all to bulk in shoeboxes and the ultimate monotubs, with nothing but coir (and maybe a little verm to get proper capacity, if needed).

I'm still gonna use the 4-5 cases of different brands of 90 sec rice bags I got for my first real grow though, lol :oops:. Next item to get will be a 23 qt presto, and run my own batches of grains, for sure. I'll try them all, from rice to WBS or whatever.

Also thinking about modding an air fryer right away to use a way bigger bucket of trays, for drying the loads of mush I'll hopefully be pulling off on the best first noob grow of all time, haha.

I'm pretty exited about it.. This year is off to a fun start!
Just wanted to have a simple discussion on mushroom cultivation with people that have ANY experience I inoculated 6 pf tek jars 3 weeks ago and have alot to talk about. Any input would be much appreciated.
so how are things going now dude? I did the pf tek the whole time i was in college. Im too old for that now, but I have alot of experience growing them several ways. My buddy and I came up with some novel ways to greatly increase your production and keep them flushing longer. Since this is an older thread, im not gonna go into answering the question posited as that has been done already. But if you want a few tips like how to triple the jars 1 syringe can inoculate and using other ingredients in the substrate besides brown rice flour or dealing with issues, then I will gladly tell you what i know. Its a fun hobby, but still illegal as shit where im at so I wont risk my family. But I would love to share what I know before I forget it. Peace!
I just about have what i think is the most bangin' small scale setup put together finally, and can't wait to show you guys some results.

Glad I decided to not wing it and inject MSS directly to 90 second rice bags, even though that can work. I been forming a whole new plan, and getting up to date on all the best new TEKs. Even came up with a few of my own new inventions to test out, before introducing them to the communities. You guys can get first lick though, and see behind the scenes what i'm up too. ;-)

About to do my first batches of agar (my MEA powder just showed up yesterday, so gonna try both no-pours in the Instant pot, and also try pouring a few dishes on the side as well, in the new hepa flow boxes I built), so I can test all the new equipment i been working on.

I collected a bunch of new varieties to scope out and put to the plates too, once I know everything is in check. Even got swabs from friends of some different albino exotics and whatnot.

My new plan is MSS to agar (using the quadrant streaking method I learned about, possibly with my new 200watt electronic inoculation loop made from a vape mod, that heats up red hot and sterilizes the replaceable coils, without having to flame it between uses, with the push of a button!), then do some A2A transfers a few times to clean anything up, then A2G, then also start doing G2Gs, and put it all to bulk in shoeboxes and the ultimate monotubs, with nothing but coir (and maybe a little verm to get proper capacity, if needed).

I'm still gonna use the 4-5 cases of different brands of 90 sec rice bags I got for my first real grow though, lol :oops:. Next item to get will be a 23 qt presto, and run my own batches of grains, for sure. I'll try them all, from rice to WBS or whatever.

Also thinking about modding an air fryer right away to use a way bigger bucket of trays, for drying the loads of mush I'll hopefully be pulling off on the best first noob grow of all time, haha.

I'm pretty exited about it.. This year is off to a fun start!
Sounds like you got the fever,lol. Never tried 90 second rice bags, but ive used gallon bags of sterilized birdseed(sunflower shells removed) and my buddy sunk a round bale of hay in the ground, burned off the top and grew them outside. So you are using spore syringes. Have you gotten to mycelium transfer yet? It is fast. Good grows dude!
Last couple days been crazy I harvested 12 oz and have a small $30 dehydrator LOL. Took me like four loads to dry them all. May need to get a bigger one. My buddy tells me to cut the bottom off of 5 gallon bucket and stick it on top of my dehydrator that way I can just fill it up. Maybe drill a bunch of holes in it too
Id just buy another cheap dehydrator. Sounds like you could use it anyway
Sounds like you got the fever,lol. Never tried 90 second rice bags, but ive used gallon bags of sterilized birdseed(sunflower shells removed) and my buddy sunk a round bale of hay in the ground, burned off the top and grew them outside. So you are using spore syringes. Have you gotten to mycelium transfer yet? It is fast. Good grows dude!

I do got it man, haha. I'm hot for golden teacher ;)

No not yet... I'm only a few steps away though. 1st step, finish off the dankest BeerBQ beef, rice, onion, carrot, and potato stew I pressure cooked last night. 2nd, fill the pot back up with no-pours...

I do got wood lover myc going crazy outside, that has been keeping me entertained. Should start fruiting in another month or 2 IMG_6377.JPG
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so how are things going now dude? I did the pf tek the whole time i was in college. Im too old for that now, but I have alot of experience growing them several ways. My buddy and I came up with some novel ways to greatly increase your production and keep them flushing longer. Since this is an older thread, im not gonna go into answering the question posited as that has been done already. But if you want a few tips like how to triple the jars 1 syringe can inoculate and using other ingredients in the substrate besides brown rice flour or dealing with issues, then I will gladly tell you what i know. Its a fun hobby, but still illegal as shit where im at so I wont risk my family. But I would love to share what I know before I forget it. Peace!
Yeah man when I first started I tried doing PF Tek and failed a couple times. I was on the verge of giving up. My boy on here AKA took the time to explain to me how shoe box Tek worked and how easy it was and I haven't lost a box yet and I probably made a couple hundred by now. Been having great success with it. Doing one quart of Spawn to a 6 quart shoe box with a few handfuls of bucket Tek pasteurized coco. IMG_20230115_061147.jpg
Yeah man when I first started I tried doing PF Tek and failed a couple times. I was on the verge of giving up. My boy on here AKA took the time to explain to me how shoe box Tek worked and how easy it was and I haven't lost a box yet and I probably made a couple hundred by now. Been having great success with it. Doing one quart of Spawn to a 6 quart shoe box with a few handfuls of bucket Tek pasteurized coco. View attachment 5249094
What size is that tub?
U think I can pull a pound of APE out of a 54 quart tub in one flush?
Not sure I've never ran the bigger tubs. Apes move a little slower and yield a little less I usually get an ounce maybe two from my 6 quart boxes on a good day. So if you do the math those tubs are nine times bigger than mine. So nine times what I get would be anywhere from 9 oz to a Lb. But from a couple flushes. Who knows got to try it out.
Yeah man when I first started I tried doing PF Tek and failed a couple times. I was on the verge of giving up. My boy on here AKA took the time to explain to me how shoe box Tek worked and how easy it was and I haven't lost a box yet and I probably made a couple hundred by now. Been having great success with it. Doing one quart of Spawn to a 6 quart shoe box with a few handfuls of bucket Tek pasteurized coco. View attachment 5249094
LOL! Yeah, you definately got it. I shoulda figured that with the forums that growing would have come a long way. I always loved doing it. Hell its been so long though. I was buying my spores from Robert M. himself. Mr "PF" . God there are so many types available. Get your hands on some Copelandia Cyanescens if you can. I have eaten the PE strain last year and was impressed but the Cyanescens are a bit stronger. My friend brought back a print from a friend in NY. I like your setup. Its a lot easier looking than keeping 20 dozen pint jars on rotation. If you like experimenting do try the organic birdseed or just use millet. It colonizes a gallon bag in like 10-15 days. If you still use syringes at all you can at least double the amount 1 produces. You probably already But nobody did back then. You just use half of it, then flame the tip and jam it through a new jug of distilled water and refill. Shake well. You can do it 1-2 more times. I never had any issues with Roberts. Dunno about now. It's amazing how far things have come. I just grow weed now and you have surpassed me so probably not alot I know that you dont. But if you ever wanna chat im on RIU alot. Hell, you could show ME some tricks now! For my friend.....SWIM. BTW. why did your pf tek jars fail? I only ever had a couple fail and was because i was lax and not sterile enough or let temps fluctuate too much. The jars make great transfer medium too. Have a good one. Id say good luck but you already got that.
U think I can pull a pound of APE out of a 54 quart tub in one flush?

Pretty sure the average is around 1-2 oz dry from each full qt of spawn. Probably not as much using MSS, and would end up being more than 1 oz with good cloned genetics you isolated, with fuller flushes. Lots of variables though.

Also, the average seems to be 4 quarts of spawn used per 50-70 qt mono tub, so that could be upwards of a 1/4 to half lb if i'm not mistaken?
You guys have sterile rooms? I use a 2x2 tent that I sterilized myself but I don't have a way to get light in there when it's fruiting time.