Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???


That's what I want to do. There's 6 jars I have inoculated. They've been colonizing for about 3 weeks and look almost fully colonized but I'm going to wait however long I have to for them to completely consolidate but they're already pulling away from the jars and I see moisture. What do you recommend doing with these new jars are you saying put those ones in the sgfc also after I take the other ones out and restart? I don't know much but Imo it would be better to shred them to a shoebox to make a bulk substrate from Coco and vermiculite and use the bucket Tech for the substrate. I would just need to know what's a good ratio for six half pint cakes and what size shoe box. Or if it's better I can build a monotub. Advice would be really appreciated I would like to get the most bang for my buck. You familiar with sporeworks and premium spores genetics? Thanks a lot man I'm sorry for bugging you with these newbie questions I've been trying to do the research but I have a lot going on and I feel like you would just be best to ask someone who knows what the hell they're doing.View attachment 5134307

The shredding into a substrate will help you learn a lot and likely give you a good yield.

I am unfamiliar with all those teks. I haven't grown these kinds of mushrooms for many years. Dry them and freeze them, store in darkness and a few lbs will last a life time. That is pretty much what I did. Genetics plays a Parr in appearance, speed to fruit and the like. But those were my own hybreds (yes, you can hybridize them by isolating a single spore from one side.

The tek I posted was for first timers. If you shred and grow "bulk" you will no longer be a first timer.
The shredding into a substrate will help you learn a lot and likely give you a good yield.

I am unfamiliar with all those teks. I haven't grown these kinds of mushrooms for many years. Dry them and freeze them, store in darkness and a few lbs will last a life time. That is pretty much what I did. Genetics plays a Parr in appearance, speed to fruit and the like. But those were my own hybreds (yes, you can hybridize them by isolating a single spore from one side.

The tek I posted was for first timers. If you shred and grow "bulk" you will no longer be a first timer.
Well I refuse to put them back in the sgfc so I will bucket tek some Coco and vermiculite and either shoebox or dub dub. What I would really like to do is grow a very large amount for myself at once so I can focus on my plants. I've experimented and taking .3 G a day with some breaks on the weekends works very well for me. My mood has drastically improved already.
So if anyone's done a shoebox I need some help figuring this out. I need to know for 6 half pint brf cakes what size shoe box Tupperware tub do I need? I'm also trying to find a good ratio of substrate Coco and vermiculite.
I would do 2 shoeboxes if you have six cakes. 4 is a quart which is how much spawn usually goes into a shoebox, so 3 will be fine. Just don’t use a ton of coir, when you’re new it’s best to get things colonized asap. I would add 3 cakes and enough coir to make the sub 2 inches thick. Then level the surface, snap the lid on and forget it for two weeks.

verm isn’t super important, I haven’t noticed any difference since I stopped using it a while ago.
I've been thoroughly researching LEDs and with these new Samsung diodes they all seem to be similar. I still have no idea what to buy what would it be the best bang for my buck I really like hlg I feel like they're the best and their American but expensive. I have 600 to spend any suggestions.

i love my HLG lights. But I’m pretty sure they’re all built in china and assembled in America or some BS. Don’t get me wrong quality is superb. I wouldn’t stress about Quantum board vs bar/strips. I would just focus on the PAR maps (from reliable sources, a lot of lying on these maps).

find a Light that have a par map that fits your specs. I don’t like how some bar lights require you to hang 8” away from the canopy. My hlg is 24” away during flowering.
Yeah guys I have to admit I have no f****** idea what I'm doing with these mushrooms. I'm extremely busy but I have read as much as I can about the topic but you know just like growing cannabis practice makes perfect.
Here's what I did I inoculated the jars they took about a month to fully colonize. On 4/18 I put them in the sgfc. Waited all the way till 5/2 and nothing. So l dunked them overnight and put them back in on 5/3. I've gotten a quarter off them so far. They're still on the fruiting chamber popping out of mushroom or two here and there. I mean these cakes are probably almost trash by now but I'm a try to junk them again and put them back in and see what happens worst thing that can happen is nothing. So yeah they've been in the fruiting chamber for a month now LOL I don't know what I'm doing but that seems way too long.
Just keep pushing them until another mold takes it over. It’s a great way to learn. With my monotubs I would get 3 harvests off them on average before I would toss them.

try to remove contaminated cakes from your house before they drop their spores.
I would do 2 shoeboxes if you have six cakes. 4 is a quart which is how much spawn usually goes into a shoebox, so 3 will be fine. Just don’t use a ton of coir, when you’re new it’s best to get things colonized asap. I would add 3 cakes and enough coir to make the sub 2 inches thick. Then level the surface, snap the lid on and forget it for two weeks.

verm isn’t super important, I haven’t noticed any difference since I stopped using it a while ago.
Okay now once my substrate is colonized do I turn that shoebox into a monotub, put the same size tub on top and make a dub tub/ monotub, or take the substrate out of that shoe box and put it in a monotub? What would be the best route? I'm waiting for full colonization of the jars but should I wait the extra week for consolidation? I feel like once they pull away from the jars and you see that moisture on the jar it's consolidated. Will that substrate keep the rh% up or is spraying invoved in this also? I'm trying to see what people are doing nowadays it seems like a lot of the stuff I've been reading is really old and I don't know if things have changed as much as they have in the Cannabis world
Yeah and mushroom cult is so new things change constantly. Even from two years ago the standard practices are totally different.

I’d let the cakes consolidate for a few days just to be sure. Once you mix them with the coir you won’t need to do anything hopefully. I would leave the lid on for about two weeks then either dubtub it or put a light near the side.

you Might need to give it a little mist every day or two once it’s colonized. If the coir hydration is dialed in it’ll automatically form water beads on top after the surface colonizes. If not then it’ll need a spray.
How does this sound? I have six half pint cakes Which equals 3 quarts. So I can do two six quart shoe boxes. Three cakes per box. I was thinking one and a half pints of Spawn 1 and 1/2 pints of coco and maybe a 1/2 pint of verm. Is that a good ratio or should I just leave the vermiculite out? So mix up the spawn and substrate together at a one-to-one ratio or until 2 in high in the Box? Maybe use the half a pint of vermiculite as the top casing? Or leave off the top casing? Just need to know these little things before I go to the store today. Oh and should I put a black garbage bag at the bottom of the shoe box like I've seen in videos or since it's such a small shoe box it doesn't matter? Sorry for all the questions and thank you for answering them
If i'm reading you right, you've got six half pints which equals 3 pints or a quart and a half. People use different ratios of spawn to substrate when spawning to bulk. 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and even 1:4 will work. Higher ratios of spawn will likely colonize faster, will be more nutrient dense and should provide for a denser canopy.

3" depth is a good starting point for a first run.

Measure the length and width of your box in inches. Multipy length x width by 3" depth and divide by 57.75 to get total quarts of spawn + substrate.

I ran the calculations for you. Since you're going to net a little less than the full 1.5 quarts, I'd recommend going 1:1 in a single shoebox or 1:3 in two shoeboxes. Two shoeboxes may be a better bet for a first run. If you lose one, you still have a shot at harvesting the other.

I couldn't attach the spreadsheet so you 're going to have to trust me on the calculations. If you want, I'll try to send it to you directly. Then you can see how i calculated and you can use it for different size boxes/tubs.

Screenshot from 2022-05-20 03-03-05.png
If i'm reading you right, you've got six half pints which equals 3 pints or a quart and a half. People use different ratios of spawn to substrate when spawning to bulk. 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and even 1:4 will work. Higher ratios of spawn will likely colonize faster, will be more nutrient dense and should provide for a denser canopy.

3" depth is a good starting point for a first run.

Measure the length and width of your box in inches. Multipy length x width by 3" depth and divide by 57.75 to get total quarts of spawn + substrate.

I ran the calculations for you. Since you're going to net a little less than the full 1.5 quarts, I'd recommend going 1:1 in a single shoebox or 1:3 in two shoeboxes. Two shoeboxes may be a better bet for a first run. If you lose one, you still have a shot at harvesting the other.

I couldn't attach the spreadsheet so you 're going to have to trust me on the calculations. If you want, I'll try to send it to you directly. Then you can see how i calculated and you can use it for different size boxes/tubs.

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Nice! Thanks alot! i have two 6 qt sterlite boxes with the handles that snap the lid on. One has a clear lid the other doesnt I don't know if that matters, also with the snap-on lids I dknt know if I can dub tub because it wouldn't be airtight because of the handles. Will these work? I'll probably try 1:3. Maybe spawn and Coco on one and spawn Coco and a little verm on the other?1653018385208627167612041183586.jpg
Clear vs white lid will have little effect. Do your best to resist the temptation to open them before they're fully colonized. The only reason you would need to dub tub is if they grow taller than the tub and by that point, you'll be wanting some air exchange anyway.

Same as growing weed, don't overthink it and be patient. Spawn to bulk then kick back and wait for the magic to happen.
What you guys think of those pre sterilized substrate bags that have a self sealing injection port?

My ovies have slowed down and i'm itching to bust out the spore collection. Wood lover fungi are really slow, but awesome to watch.

I don't even have a pressure cooker or flow hood, and figured a few premade bags would be easy. That, or if I borrowed a cooker, I wonder If I could make a ton of those same bags for way cheaper. Then just store them away for whenever I want to innoculate one.
I guess I am on to something.. It appears as though you can not only buy those bags, but put less substrate in (and pressure cook it in the bag!?), and grow them right in the bags. I'm liking the looks of this tek. I'll update when I look into it more and come up with plan.


I guess I am on to something.. It appears as though you can not only buy those bags, but put less substrate in (and pressure cook it in the bag!?), and grow them right in the bags. I'm liking the looks of this tek. I'll update when I look into it more and come up with plan.

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Hmm.. that's nice to know. I've actually been looking at those bags and haven't bought them because I didn't think you could sterilize them yourself and I didn't trust that they were sterile. But now I know that I can pressure cook the bags I may try them out when I get some more spores.
They might just be regular food pressure cooker bags? Not sure, but that pic did come up in a random image search 4 mushroom grow bags. Either way, you could transfer over i'm sure.

Probably doubles or more the amount your doing at once, because you can stuff the bags in like that. Seems like more could fit than jars with the wasted gaps.

Looks to be some kind of protective foil heat shield layer, or something going around it..

Probably nuke the bags for 5 seconds or boil them to kill off anything. Need a vacuum sealer too, i'm guessing.
Should I dunk the cakes overnight before shredding them to bulk? Probably should to add more moisture huh? I'm wondering if I need to use a garbage bag inside and cut right above the substrate, or just tape the bottom off from the outside, or neither since it's only gonna be a few inches thick and doesn't matter if it pins on the sides. I also see that some people case the top in leftover substrate and some don't, and some wait to case for a little while. I read way too.much on shroomery and didn't look at dates So i have this info in my head that could be new or 20 years old. That's kinda why I asked if pepple wanted to bs about it so I could see what's goin on nowadays. So thanks.
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From the side they look almost done. All the verm you see trickled down from the top.
Now on the bottom I can still see a little uncolonized brf. Even though I'm shredding them I should still be safe and wait for full consolidation huh? They were inoculated exactly a month ago today.
The cakes seemed pretty dry when inoculated. I'm sure they'll need a dunk before shredding. I don't want my shoebox to dry out. I think a big reason I didn't get much out of the sgfc is because my cakes got pretty dry and were turning blue after a little while. Still need to know if I need to put a garbage bag liner in the bottom of the shoe box. Sorry for all the questions I just want to get everything right to a T so I know if there's failure I did something wrong. Thanks a lot I appreciate your guys's time, patience, and knowledge!