Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

That looks like early stage trichoderma. Smell them. If they smell bad chuck em. And bacteria or other fungus will stop fruits from growing. When growing cannabis and mushrooms in the same area you have to be really careful because trichoderma has a symbiotic relationship with cannabis. I wouldn’t use brf cakes to spawn to bulk it’s a waste of time. Make a glovebox and lookup how to use your oven as a flow hood. Use the glove box for grain to grain transfers and switch to rye berries. You have to cook them for 45-60 mins then allow to dry but grain to grain transfer is very fast. You can find rye berrries at your local co-op pretty cheap.
looks like trich though probably turn green soon. Use poly fill but only after full colonization. Put a clear tub in a black trashbag so you can check on it... I’m guessing set and forget probably isn’t easy for you yet. Follow Damian’s Coir Tek. When I first started I used to pasteurize alpaca manure and it’s just so much extra work and I’ve used this tek a lot of times it works. If you can’t find coco brick go to petsmart they sell them for reptile bedding. Those work the best like 8$ for 3 bricks already perfect size. Liquid cultures to man I’m telling you the closer you get to reproducing a single spore the more even and full your pin set will become. Hope this senders your questions bud.
They really don't smell like anything maybe a little bit of a mushroom smell. Last time trying p.f. Tek wish I didn't noc up these other six jars. I remove them from the room with my plants. My plants really just started throw me a couple days old I just moved into this house.
Really frustrated wasted 60 bucks on spores and a lot of my time about to take all 12 of these jars and go bury em in my backyard
Really frustrated wasted 60 bucks on spores and a lot of my time about to take all 12 of these jars and go bury em in my backyard

patients is a skill, my first mushroom grow took months because the temps and conditions were never correct.

the next time I had mushrooms in 30ish days start to finish

keep doing research and trying to dial in your conditions.
Those cakes are fine I don’t see any mold.

there’s knots on a few so you should see pins in the next few days.

If you have more cakes you should try shredding them up and mixing with coir instead of fruiting the whole cake. It’s just so hard to maintain good conditions with cakes when you’re new and don’t know what to look for. Bulk type tubs run themselves.

another big thing is not messing with things constantly. If you give them a consistent environment you’ll get pins eventually.
Thanks guys I have them redunked hopefully get something when i put em back in. They were pretty dry I think. I did see one small pin on the bottom. Should I case them if I put em back in.
Lol this is the stuff I was talking about, just set them up and leave them alone cuz when you keep changing things they won’t pin. I know it’s hard, I messed with my first grow constantly. Eventually I thought it was dead and gave up and left it sitting and a week later it was full of mushrooms.

they did look dry though so I’d raise the humidity or lower air exchange.

they should have plenty of water if you’ve dunked again, so now you just need to focus on keeping the cakes glistening but not soaked. The small drops evaporate off the surface which Is a pinning trigger.
Would one of those cheap ultrasonic pond foggers work good to moisten em? Better than dunking the cakes? Like, put a little cup of distilled water with it in there, and fog out the tub while on a timer?

I wonder if its too late, or if you would have a better yield if you just mixed them all up into a bulk substrate and let it go longer..

Some day I'll have to bust out my collection of spore syringes and find out... I wasn't even gonna start until I had a flow hood, complete state of the art grow area, and go straight for the advanced teks.. Can't help but over complicate everything, which is what is holding me back..

Until then, I'm liking the idea of having a bed\tub outdoors with almost no maintenance..
This thread is precisely why I hate pf tech. Uncertainty, speculation, hypothesis. WWhat can't understand is why our new friend, having as he professes, "read everything" has ignored my particular process. Short of the uncle Ben's rice tech (and it is actually only an inoculation method) the thread at the top or the list here is fucking fool proof. And easy, and speculation free. You do it and wait till they come up.

Yeah I guess I just had to wait a little longer or they needed rehydrated are springing up all over now. But yeah after further investigation I really don't see any reason to do PF Tek. Already nocked cakes will be shredded. I see no reason that one, even a beginner, shouldn't start with bulk substrate, shoebox, monotub or the hundreds of other teks available. I guess before even reading up on it I did with a buddy told me to do
This thread is precisely why I hate pf tech. Uncertainty, speculation, hypothesis. WWhat can't understand is why our new friend, having as he professes, "read everything" has ignored my particular process. Short of the uncle Ben's rice tech (and it is actually only an inoculation method) the thread at the top or the list here is fucking fool proof. And easy, and speculation free. You do it and wait till they come up.

Read it yesterday. Will definitely keep in mind. I mean most of them seem pretty fool proof except pf tek. Really don't understand why people recommend it.
Would one of those cheap ultrasonic pond foggers work good to moisten em? Better than dunking the cakes? Like, put a little cup of distilled water with it in there, and fog out the tub while on a timer?

I wonder if its too late, or if you would have a better yield if you just mixed them all up into a bulk substrate and let it go longer..

Some day I'll have to bust out my collection of spore syringes and find out... I wasn't even gonna start until I had a flow hood, complete state of the art grow area, and go straight for the advanced teks.. Can't help but over complicate everything, which is what is holding me back..

Until then, I'm liking the idea of having a bed\tub outdoors with almost no maintenance..
Getting turkey tail to do outside. I never grew them but they're one of my favorites.
Most places still push pf cakes as the beginner grow just because that’s how it’s always been.

Shoeboxes should take over soon.
Most places still push pf cakes as the beginner grow just because that’s how it’s always been.

Shoeboxes should take over soon.
I can see how you can learn from it by it being more hands on and pretty much make you imitate nature and show you how and why they grow, but after reading reading reading and reading some more it seems like the hardest. It seems if you have a flow hood even a good diy one, anythings possible. I read Canndo's process he recommended for beginners. Ya know, if I would have read that thread before starting I may have chose that or something similar. I mean I'll give it to ya, seems pretty fool proof, imo more so than this.
I was wondering if 18 hours of indirect light is harmful for mushrooms. I don't have a light over it bit the rooms light up for 18 hours. What you guys think?
Is it okay for them to be growing from underneath the cakes? I'd flip them over but they're on the top also.