Anybody know what strains I've got?

Looks like you have cannabis to me. The only plausible way of determining what strain you actually have, at this point, is to do some genetic test and compare it to other known variants. Most growers though generally rely on the breeder's word to confirm what they are growing; cause in reality, it might say bubble gumdrop or some shit but actually just be another OG Kush.
Hah thanks for the laughs everyone, appreciate the insight. I've got the most renowned stains in the game, I like it. I worked on a pot farm in Colorado for a season but this is my first real indoor grow, I've done a lot of research but still end up with random noob questions. It's not mites it's pesticide for the damn aphids that pop up with every clone I take.. I haven't reapplied since buds showed up. I get that 5 and 13 leaf sets mean indica and sativa, as well as fat n skinny leaves accordingly. Was hoping to get a general idea, understanding that there can be many crosses. I've got a sweet 9 leaf going, looks like a solid hybrid, can't wait to flower her. Hopefully it's a her..
Hundreds of millions of possibilities and this guy fuckin guesses right on the first try. Crazy.

The fascinating thing here though is the OP grows better than most people with the basic knowledge he lacks. Wild times folks. Wild times.
I'll put aside the inaccurate and presumtive insult and say thanks for the compliment lol I'm happy with how they're turning out, much better than my first attempt years ago using CFLs. Proper lighting makes such a difference, which of course anyone with a grow under their belt is aware of. Cheers. Awesome response to the post you replied to btw, legit that shit was funny dude.