Anybody know what the difference is between Molasses sugar and Molasses syrup ?


Well-Known Member
Im looking in to it, as I might want to try it for one of my flowering plants ..

Do anybody have any experiance with it .. and know what the difference is, and which of them to use ?

as I see you both can get em in a liquid form and in a sugar form so to speak ..

Same stuff in it it seems ?

Potassium, Calium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Sodium, iron ..


Well-Known Member
hmmm .. 68 wiws and no reply .. why do this happen to me evry time :(

dont any of you Ppl. use Molasses ?

Ooh well found this:



Mr.Ganja Mr. Ganja

Put about 25ml of granulated,brown sugar in some boiling water it is best if you do this in a pan i stops any granuls been left in that form you want a syrup use about a litre of water to sugar.boil ultill all the granules dissapear the plants love the stuff .but be very careful useing this during the summer insects love the stuff.feed the sugar mix then add the normal feed a little after say 20 mins this gets it down into the roots and away from any insects the last thing you want is too be attracting insects into the grow room.i only use this and any sweet additive to my plant during the winter months when the pest are not around i use buddy during summer.

guess that could work .. got some organic unrefined dark Muscovado sugar with most of the molasses keepd in it ..​


Uhhh... I don't know about this 'molasses sugar' (brown sugar?), molasses itself as well as brown sugar can be used as a carbohydrate supplement to feed soil microbes. I wouldn't use brown sugar, I'd used blackstrap molasses or horticultural-grade Hi-Brix as those also contain minerals and potassium.

Whatever molasses you use make sure it is UN-SULPHURED. Blackstrap is preferable because it has the highest concentration of potassium and minerals, and the least amount of sugar (but still sufficient amounts). You don't need to over-do it just use a teaspoon to a tablespoon per gallon of water and apply to the soil.


Well-Known Member
yea and thanks for the reply ... I will try with one table spoon in 2 gallon on one of my girls and see ..

its just as Im fairly new to indoor growing and just discovert the effect of molasses and wanted to try it on my 6 weeks flowering girls I did some research .. a lot .. couldnt find it in any shops near me or in Denmark .. even had a hard time finding it in a shop in EU .. need to do some more research .. must be possible ..

but my old hippi mom of course had some in here kitchen carbint she use for bakeing and she only use stuff from the wellness shop or other organic food ...

I wish I could post some pictures but it seems RIU is pretty mess up :(

its organic non produced dark brown muscovado sugar from sugar canes ..

its says that its produced with the aim of keeping the natural molasses rather then refine it out ..

it contains:

per 100 gram

carbohydrate 92,5 G

Potassium 580 mg
calsium 99 mg
magnesium 58 mg
phosphorous 8 mg
sodium 100 mg
irom 1,6 mg

only thing Im a bit skeptic about is the Sodium ? dunno if that is to high ?

but just did as with Epsom salt .. delutet it in boild water .. then added it to my water ..

lets see .. if nothing els .. some one els might be able to use my hard earnd research :D


Well-Known Member
It's not molasses sugar, or brown sugar. What you're talking about is dried or dehydrated molasses (molasses crystals). I've never used that version, so no advice here.What is much easier to find (and what most people use) is plain old "Blackstrap Molasses", the un-sulphered variety. People claim that other types of "Sugar-like substances" can be used - I don't think so! Anything other than real un-sulphered blackstrap molasses just doesn't have all the benefits of the real thing. It's cheap and easy to find anywhere in the US, at any super market - by the pancake syrup.It's not just about the "sugar" or "Carbo loading", there are several other benefits in molasses that just don't exist, to any significant degree, in the other sugar products. Trust me; drinking Capt. Morgan, straight from the bottle, ain't the same as putting some rum in the punch bowl!


Well-Known Member
Sugar is refined from either sugar beets or sugar cane. Maple syrup is taken, as sap, from certain varieties of maple trees and condensed by boiling it down.


Well-Known Member
now we finaly can post Pics from our PCs agin .. I thort I might post em as this is what I was talking about:

View attachment 2258329View attachment 2258330View attachment 2258331

dunno if this can be used .. if it do any harm and if it do the same good as the Blackstrap Molasses ????

as we dont have Blackstrap Molasse in our supermarket here in Europe .. atlest not in Denmark .. we dont eat pancakes like you do in the US .. we use it like a desert .. and use ice cream or maybe normal sugar and marmelate .. not sirup or molasses ..

so its not a commen item on our shelfs .. need to go to specialy shops .. and I have`t been able to find one that have it yet .. found it online from the UK .. might order it .. 2,99 £ and same in shipping :D

but Im in week 7 now of flowering and was just wondering if I could use this product safely untill I might find the "real" thing .. and if it would do the job ?