Anybody use compost?

Attach Lamps

Active Member
I started a little compost pile yesterday, it's sopmething I've been interested in doing, even before I wanted to grow pot.
I just put in what I could find at the time, and plan to add more.
So far it's got coffee grounds, a banana peel, some pods that were growing on a tree in my back yard (with the seeds removed, I'm only looking to grow one type of plant here) various leaves, a bit of piss, and I've also been emptying my bowl into it when it's beat.

Anyone else use compost? Find better results? What types of things do you prefer to put in them?


Well-Known Member
Have a mod move this to organics. Lots of us use compost. They need to be about 3' (cubed) to have enough volume to keep the interior moist and warm enough. Almost anything non-animal can go in, including paper, too. You can also speed up the process by inoculating with some mycorrhizae, some fertilizers have live cultures in them.


Well-Known Member
My own compost pile is still too new, and it's been pretty hot and dry, so it's not "up and running" yet. But, I mix with something to lighten it up (yes, like sand, although perlite or vermiculite are a bit better, lightening it up without being heavy like sand, I have a bad back), as well as dose some slow-release organic nutes. Meals such as blood, bone, feather, kelp, and alfalfa. Guanos such as seabird, bat, and chicken shit. And then minerals such as green sand and dolomite lime. If you look into the subsection of Organics, Subcool's Organics, you'll find his recipe for his Super Soil. Looks pretty good, don't worry too much about finding the fritted... damn, can't remember what it is. It's a dose of minerals that satisfy micronutrient demands.