Anybody use ORCA grow film?

I was looking at stuff to put up in my grow room and was wondering if the ORCA was worth the extra penny? Or should I just stick with a Black/White polyfilm &mylar?


Well-Known Member
I have ORCA in one of my rooms and I can say that it produces better than any other room that I have. The theory behind ORCA is that it reflects the exact same spectrum while standard poly reflects a portion of the spectrum. The light reflection is also much more even and it's a visual difference you can actually see. I personally think it is worth the extra money.

Grow Safe

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
What the hell is ORCA film? I use the Panda. And THAT was like adding another light. Where does one look for this ORCA?


I hope so cause i bought a small roll of it! It's also suppsoe tobe 11ml thick, washable and better at heat releif


G.J. Stoner

I'm in the process of fabricating a round grow tent that will utilize Orca Grow Film for the walls. Stay tuned. Four weeks to additional funding.