Anybody work for the power company?


Sector 5 Moderator
I want to find out something from someone that actually works at a public power utility company. If you work at one please PM me.


Sector 5 Moderator
I got a answer from one of the members here in Alaska. I don't know if all states are like this or not but he said that the power company will not give your info to LEO unless they have a court order to do so. He said that it's not the usage that may raise a question; it's a sudden increase in consumption but that even with that they are encouraged not to contact the cops even if they are suspicious.


Well-Known Member
Shit unless you have a real large grow power would be the least of my worries. I currently run more wattage in heaters than to grow. Only problem ever had with power companies is when late with payment.


New Member
I got a answer from one of the members here in Alaska. I don't know if all states are like this or not but he said that the power company will not give your info to LEO unless they have a court order to do so. He said that it's not the usage that may raise a question; it's a sudden increase in consumption but that even with that they are encouraged not to contact the cops even if they are suspicious.
I verified this as well. That is why they keep a history. If it changes enough, chances are they will make sure your meter is working correctly first.

Also, if your good like me, you'll put the power bill in a new name prior to starting, that way, you start a new history on the bill.

Also, potpimp, I know the owner of lime solar in town. He is the man for off grid power. Just sayin'


New Member
Shit unless you have a real large grow power would be the least of my worries. I currently run more wattage in heaters than to grow. Only problem ever had with power companies is when late with payment.
Yep, pay on time, every time, the entire balance and you should be ok.

Also, winter months in AK, it is expected that power consumption will rise. Most people simply don't need lights or entertainment here during the summer.

Also, another thing I looked into was the state average for power consumption vs the national average. That helped give me an idea of just how much wattage I could run to meet the state "average" power consumption by a residential user. All that information is available online.


Sector 5 Moderator
LOL, oh yeah. I'd be happy to see 70 in the "heat" of summer, so you must be talking about in your grow room.


Well-Known Member
Jeeze all the free power and power that the power companies lose the only thing letting them know what you have used it your meter and they admit that no power meter is accurate but the pure fact is even if they admit that a power meter could be out by say 5% give or take the real amount it can be out by is something like 20% or more

My Dad`s been an electrical inspector and tester for most of his life and worked on some really big builds power wise electric companies don`t have a clue what happens to most of the power they put into the grid, why do you think it cost`s so much ?


New Member
Well, they use diesel generators up here to run the plants. (I'm fairly sure, don't quote me on that though) Cost of fuel would be my first guess.


If you have an overhead service you can splice into the drop inside the weather head, run seu down the riser then out a hole in the back of the riser into your attic, and set a second panel. Before the meter so no increase in the bill to worry about.


Well-Known Member
Theft of power WAY more of a concern than grow, at least here in cali. My bro was growing with 10 x 1000 with tap for few years, got a bit scared of the tap (he's been popped for power theft in past and knows the penalties) switched to 8 x 600's and paying bill for like a year before he moved. Never an issue, even going from like a $100 bill for a few years to like a $800+ bill every month. He had all paperwork in order just in case, but never had issue. They want the money.


Yea that wasn't meant as a serious option, i don't expect just anybody to be able to do that. but if you do it that way you wont get caught. when i did get caught stealing power with jumper cables when i was a punk kid though the fines weren't that bad, made me pay what they thought it would be for a few months even though we were getting it for years.


Well-Known Member

Believe whatever you want. lots of people get away with large grows without ever having issues, but I completely disagree when people make the statement that if you pay your bill, the power company doesn't give a damn. It totally depends on the management of the company and also the person who keeps track of usage at the company. Your common sence is talking to you here or you wouldn't be here asking this question. Don't ignore it. I'm not at all saying you can't get away with whatever you are considering doing, but don't buy into the idea that no one cares. i'm in the midwest, and I'm only one person, on one power grid, but it should prove to you that some LEO's use power consumption as an indicator. If they are doing it in the sticks where I'm from, It's possible anywhere. If your goal is to not raise any possibility of being noticed, a large grow is not the route to go down. If you don't mind taking a chance, you most likely will be ok, unless you are planing to be reckless about it. I've seen the trending software our local utility uses to look at individual accounts and I can tell you from first hand experience, It's not too hard to spot a grow. Take this for what you think it's worth.

Believe whatever you want. lots of people get away with large grows without ever having issues, but I completely disagree when people make the statement that if you pay your bill, the power company doesn't give a damn. It totally depends on the management of the company and also the person who keeps track of usage at the company. Your common sence is talking to you here or you wouldn't be here asking this question. Don't ignore it. I'm not at all saying you can't get away with whatever you are considering doing, but don't buy into the idea that no one cares. i'm in the midwest, and I'm only one person, on one power grid, but it should prove to you that some LEO's use power consumption as an indicator. If they are doing it in the sticks where I'm from, It's possible anywhere. If your goal is to not raise any possibility of being noticed, a large grow is not the route to go down. If you don't mind taking a chance, you most likely will be ok, unless you are planing to be reckless about it. I've seen the trending software our local utility uses to look at individual accounts and I can tell you from first hand experience, It's not too hard to spot a grow. Take this for what you think it's worth.

Im right with you on this one, Thats why I posed the question "how much time do you have before the jig is up"..