anyone a member of another forum?


New Member
The mentioning of other growers websites is not a good thing to do on here and its against the rules. <<<<<<

(in the rules).
No flooding or spamming:
Interrupting the flow of the chat sessions with the use of large fonts, repetitive typing, Spamming (the advertising of other websites) or any other activity that makes it difficult for chatters to maintain a conversation is prohibited.
Spamming or flooding of bot commands will not be tolerated.



Well-Known Member
as far as i knew the rules were VERY slack here, which is why i'm still here. i've been banned from GC about 5 times, more for their stupid fucking rules (name limits, "spamming," pissing off a bunch of closed minded libertarians, ect...)than me really doing anything "wrong." apparently you cannot put a link to humboldt county's own REAL website (google eel river hydroponics) without getting banned for spamming, but you can link a fucking HPS from htg supply all day long. fucking idiots. they had some good growers, but the rest of site was used/dominated by 20-27 year old jackasses who "think" that they know everything, when they don't even know the capital of montana.

my only complaint about RIU is that it's not very organized. info is scattered everywhere, and while the search is handy, i'm not rifling through 185 pages of shit to find the 1 guy who said something about the subject i'm looking for. overall, it's a pretty decent site with plenty of knowledgeable growers, and obviously ran by stoners lol.


New Member
as far as i knew the rules were VERY slack here, which is why i'm still here. i've been banned from GC about 5 times, more for their stupid fucking rules (name limits, "spamming," pissing off a bunch of closed minded libertarians, ect...)than me really doing anything "wrong." apparently you cannot put a link to humboldt county's own REAL website (google eel river hydroponics) without getting banned for spamming, but you can link a fucking HPS from htg supply all day long. fucking idiots. they had some good growers, but the rest of site was used/dominated by 20-27 year old jackasses who "think" that they know everything, when they don't even know the capital of montana.

my only complaint about RIU is that it's not very organized. info is scattered everywhere, and while the search is handy, i'm not rifling through 185 pages of shit to find the 1 guy who said something about the subject i'm looking for. overall, it's a pretty decent site with plenty of knowledgeable growers, and obviously ran by stoners lol.
I think you will find RIU runs a tight ship with busy mods doing a great job and you will soon be told when you get out of hand.
If you have a particular question its not hard to get an answer quickly when you get used to things.
(good luck).


Well-Known Member
like i said...the rules are lax compared to other sites. i got banned at grasscity for being dumb and using a id i use for many different sites. when ya googled the name ya saw my plants. not good. i changed my name, new id, quit posting with the other 1, then 1 day i go to log in only to be banned (after i pissed someone off, a mod, in the political forum by highlighting the fact they were a hypocrite). they offer no way to delete an account, or change your screen name. so i opened a new account and cussed out the mod out for not giving users alternative options, got banned again. after having 3 id's banned i figured i'd be fine....nope, banned again for being banned before. signed up 1 last time from a different ip....banned for trying to share humboldt county's own website. fuck them, fuck all their retarded rules, and fuck the retards enforcing them!

i do miss a few people from the site though, a few were excellent growers with a wealth a knowledge and excellent construction skills. they were also VERY willing to help newbies with their problems, or designing and building grow boxes and rooms. their knowledge was lost when they too were banned for bullshit reasons. i think both were trying to help a newbie that wasn't getting it, and got banned for essentially trying to help 1 of the assholes who "knew it all" even though they were asking remedial questions. typical website politics.....fucking dumb.


New Member
like i said...the rules are lax compared to other sites. i got banned at grasscity for being dumb and using a id i use for many different sites. when ya googled the name ya saw my plants. not good. i changed my name, new id, quit posting with the other 1, then 1 day i go to log in only to be banned (after i pissed someone off, a mod, in the political forum by highlighting the fact they were a hypocrite). they offer no way to delete an account, or change your screen name. so i opened a new account and cussed out the mod out for not giving users alternative options, got banned again. after having 3 id's banned i figured i'd be fine....nope, banned again for being banned before. signed up 1 last time from a different ip....banned for trying to share humboldt county's own website. fuck them, fuck all their retarded rules, and fuck the retards enforcing them!

i do miss a few people from the site though, a few were excellent growers with a wealth a knowledge and excellent construction skills. they were also VERY willing to help newbies with their problems, or designing and building grow boxes and rooms. their knowledge was lost when they too were banned for bullshit reasons. i think both were trying to help a newbie that wasn't getting it, and got banned for essentially trying to help 1 of the assholes who "knew it all" even though they were asking remedial questions. typical website politics.....fucking dumb.
Just tell the truth and when you get slapped by a mod say sorry make friends and move on. I dont know what you really want to know but dont think for a second this site wont come down hard on you when you step out of line and when you get banned from here you will NOT be able to re register under a different mail address as your IP address will be blocked.
(and stop mentioning other grow sites on here as its a serious breach of rules).


Well-Known Member
i did tell the truth...that's the problem, people don't like hearing they are stupid, especially when that person is in a position of authority. as for this place, i like it, i plan on staying, and i'm fairly certain i've read ALL the rules, all 6 of em. i'm not breaking any. i don't disrespect anyone (usually) but i do call bullshit when i see it, and i sure as fuck won't be talked down to, i don't give a rats ass who you are. as far as being banned from here.....i can't predict the future, and neither can you, and's the fucking internet....there are ways around every thing.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
This forum is the best by miles with regards to what you can do and learn and its the most user friendly site than any other forums i have visited and yes it maybe complex and always updating but thats what is it has to do to be top dog of the grow forums and it works great for me and has become my new home.

it is the best, but constant updates that interrupt are not good. all the information in the world does me no good if i cant access it. The situation has gotten slightly better, but still happens on multiple computers from multiple locations for a month at this point.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
The mentioning of other growers websites is not a good thing to do on here and its against the rules. <<<<<<

(in the rules).
No flooding or spamming:
Interrupting the flow of the chat sessions with the use of large fonts, repetitive typing, Spamming (the advertising of other websites) or any other activity that makes it difficult for chatters to maintain a conversation is prohibited.
Spamming or flooding of bot commands will not be tolerated.

blatant spamming makes sense, but merely mentioning another website being cause for banning is asinine.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Thats how the rules are and you accepted to abide by them when you regitered.
i understand that but its still completely irrelevant to if they make sense. they could have put in there that you cannot make posts while wearing a hat...i still would have agreed, but that doesnt mean the rule makes sense.

i havent had any problems with that rule though nor have i seen someone else have a problem with it. I have been part of other forums where the mods are power hungry though and they do enforce inane rules