Anyone answer me a few simple questions that you guys will know, but im new so i dont

What Feed can I use that is not expensive and how do I mix it with Water?

What are them little white things that you put in with your choice of Soil?

Are 15watt bulbs OK? (USING 5 BULBS FOR 3 PLANTS)
( equivalent to 75 watts)

What Fertilizer is best use and were can I buy this from?

When I Plant my Seeds, how long do the Lights need to be on at this stage and so on for when the Plant grows?

Does a Container of Water need to be in with the Plants?

Cheers all



Active Member
For "feed" or nutrients i mix in some blood and bone meal for sustained release and i supplement with the fox farms line up, usually about 15/L for whichever product you choose

the white things you mentioned is probably just perlite, which helps with the drainage of your soil

your recommend a minimum of twice that, quadruple if possible......i started with 4 23 watts on 3 plants, they were stretching terribly so i got a 150 watt hps and they did a little better, got a 2nd 150 watt hps and that was pretty good in my (4x2x5) tent, lasted a few months then started scanning the pictures of the 400 watt club thread and decided i had to upgrade.....
the results ive had with my 400 is phenomenal compared to what i dreamed of with the previously light setups, the light makes the bud

the sun puts out roughly 10,000 Lumens per sq foot, you need a minimum of 2000 lumens/sq ft to make your plants grow, but typically a minimum of 3 is recommended and 4000 for flowering (i repeat these are minimums, and LUMENS not to be confused with WATTS)

the lights will need to be on 18, 20, or 24 hours, many people disagree on what is best, i tend to use both, 24/0 for about 2 weeks and then 20/4 for a week, 18/6 for a week, 16/8 for a week and then after 5 weeks of vegetative growth i flip the flowering switch by setting my lights to a 12/12 light cycle, depending on your strain you could have ripened bud in as litte as 7-8 weeks or as many as 20 weeks (i currently have a crop that just hit the 13 week mark today and is nowhere near finished) but BE PATIENT, if you pull even a week early you could cost yourself almost 20% in weight in some cases, when you think its done...wait 2 weeks as a general noob rule (i still follow it)

hope this helps, there are alot of variables you left out as far as space, container size, venilation, grow medium, and probably a few my stoned behind cant think of right now, good luck to you though!


Active Member
What Feed can I use that is not expensive and how do I mix it with Water?

Go to a dispensary or hydroponic store and they have nutrients there. Or you can go to Wall-mart and get some generic plant food.

You usually just dissolve it in the water.

What are them little white things that you put in with your choice of Soil?

That is perlite. It is made for the soil to drain easier.

Are 15watt bulbs OK? (USING 5 BULBS FOR 3 PLANTS)
( equivalent to 75 watts)

Are they CFL's? CFL's are the curly looking eco-friendly light bulbs. If they are that should be fine for vegging, but you'll have to get more for flowering.

What Fertilizer is best use and were can I buy this from?

Pretty much the same as plant food.

When I Plant my Seeds, how long do the Lights need to be on at this stage and so on for when the Plant grows?

First you should germinate the seeds. Once they pop out of the soil, then you should put the light on it. Put the lights on a 18 hours of light 6 hours of dark cycle. Or you can do it 20/4 or 24/0.

Does a Container of Water need to be in with the Plants?

Maybe if you are trying to fix the humidity, but otherwise it doesnt really matter..

Hope I helped
