Anyone Been Affected By Oxycontin?


Well-Known Member
hey guys, im sure everyone of you reading this have been affected or know someone who has been affected by OC's. Theres a movie that was just written in boston an ex OC kingpin who did his time and made a movie about his really hits home check out the trailer here...

No this is not MY movie, and no i am not promoting it. Im just a normal guy who fucking hates oc's and wants to see them dissapear


Well-Known Member
movie looked pretty good.

and lol around here like 1 out of every 3 people is shooting dope or oxys.I think the oxys are dieing down though since they switched them.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
way too familiar with oxys. on one hand i have never been in the type of persistant pain that would warrant an oxy script so i can't really wag my finger, but holy shit can that stuff flush your life if you're not careful. i'm not even 30 yet and i know 2 oxy od deaths, a dude serving a 10 year sentence for some shit he did for a fix, and a chick on methadone because she switched to heroin. not to mention all the "functional" pill heads that just pop them for fun around here. my city has developed a real nasty heroin problem in the past 15 years or so, and i blame all the elbow-rubbing going on the city and state level with doctors who overprescribe. they don't crack down until it's out of control, and the worst that happens to the doc is he gets his pill pad taken away and refers patients to his buddy. fucked up shit.

Mr.Therapy Man 2

Active Member
Ive got them for back pain since 1999 and they really do suck,at least they have made them to where you cant snort or shoot oxys anymore,.around here they have tried everything from microwaveing them to freezing them and nothing breaks them suckers down anymore..Alot of lives totally fucked due to these poisons that big pharma calls medicine


Active Member
Lost my first love to an OC addiction. The domino effect of his addiction also cost me my job, and created a new enemy for me which creates a lot of anxiety. I frown upon even the smallest recreational use and refuse to be around it.


New Member
Lost my first love to an OC addiction. The domino effect of his addiction also cost me my job, and created a new enemy for me which creates a lot of anxiety. I frown upon even the smallest recreational use and refuse to be around it.
You should be able to distinguish between recreational use and addiction. No reason to frown on someone that enjoys a nice nod once or twice a month.


Well-Known Member
that shit is heroin in a pill. Ruins lives just as fast as illegal drugs.
Yep. Government issued heroin.

I fucked around with pills for years. Lortabs, Vicodins, Percs and what ever else I could find. I started getting Oxys. First I would just eat a piece or a half or whatever, then I started snorting them.

After a couple months of snorting Oxys my "friend" busted out some black tar one night that we were drinking.

I ended up smoking heroin for 3 years straight. Lost several jobs. Lost 2 cars. Lost the condo I was living in. And spent about 3 months in jail. And right before I got locked up I was getting into shooting it.

Needles to say, I fucking despise opiates.

I dont "frown on people" who use pills "recreationally", I just think its like playing russian roulette.


Well-Known Member
It's a rush when you pull the trigger. This thread should be labeled Opiates, or oxycodone.. Oxycontin is just a p-due Brand and you can't even snort those bitches since they came out with the OP's..

Oh and yes,, I do enjoy a nod.

smokey green

Active Member
Ive lost quite a few friends to oc and other narcotic pharmacuticles....Its all fucking garbage...The medical idustry is a fucking joke.....


Active Member
Everybody I know doing opiates "recreation-ally" said "i just do a little bit of it." Now I don't know any of them. Dead or in jail. I'm not saying they're are not people in this world that have self control, and that can handle themselves, I just know opiates to be extremely addictive. Its hard for anyone to handle it.


Active Member
I had a buddy accuse me of stealing from him. The pills were making him paranoid and he was getting soo skinny you almost couldn't recognize him. The government doesn't mind us abusing drugs as long as its theirs and they make the dough.


New Member
Everybody I know doing opiates "recreation-ally" said "i just do a little bit of it." Now I don't know any of them. Dead or in jail. I'm not saying they're are not people in this world that have self control, and that can handle themselves, I just know opiates to be extremely addictive. Its hard for anyone to handle it.
Meh, back before the OPs I would go through one to three 80's a month on average. When the OPs replaced them, I stopped doing them.