Anyone Been Affected By Oxycontin?

Anything that alters your mood can be abused, some people can manage themselves and some can't, I am lucky I can manage myself. My son was 22 when he went down that road, one year later I dropped him off at detox and picked him up 7 days later and 3 months rehab. Not sure who he is anymore but we still love him he's 24 and still trying to pay of the mess he made. His public school friend just died of an OD last week. Medical drugs should not be used for recreation they can kill, now recreational drugs can do the same and I am talking about bathtub drugs. IMHO
I dont really care for oxycodone ... the junkies have made them too expensive anyway . I do take vicoden though - wich is just about as bad . I have a legal script for mine but that doesnt make them any less addictive . If you take opiates recreatioally ... plz be careful ... they are sneaky liitle bastards !
admitting it is the first step dude +rep ..i wasnt the rehab kind guy either....i was put on, not asked for, fucking put on 180-240mg daily dude...sure as hell ripped them up my nose as fast as i could crush them. but never sold or stole anything to get them, and when the word divorce came up i was done dude..never want to fucking see another oc again.
i dont like oxy or this thread one bit, super depressing vibes. I hope you all get well soon. Take care of yourself and loved ones. Get help if you or someone you know uses or abuses oxy with or without an Rx. Sorry to sound like an after school special but this shit is no joke. Could save a life.
Everybodys going from vicodin to oxys then heroin in my area. Its a damm shame, weed should be legal for recreational and medical use period!
Lets see do i know anyone start off with Brother OD'd in 2005 best friend Frankie late 2005 Died in Hospital From Liver Failure Mikey 2007 dude i knew in school Od'd Tom 2010 Od'd And Last But not least Ricky 2011 Hes mother found him bent over a fence frozen to death in the winter this year. And i know about 20 other dudes still alive but mind as well be dead there all zombies. Just like everyone else i knew including my brother they start with there drug of choice but for some reason always leads back to herion my bro started with durasic patches or somethin like that use to put the contents of the patch into mountain dew and drink it. Sad shit but i cant make ppl stop there is only so much you can tell someone if they dont want it for themselves noone will be able to help them.
Been down that road many times with family and friends, shit even I had some horrible drug addictions that I managed to get out of . I don't even drink alcohol anymore because when I would drink it was kinda my trigger to do drugs. So I kicked all habits and stuck to weed my only good habit I had.
Lets see do i know anyone start off with Brother OD'd in 2005 best friend Frankie late 2005 Died in Hospital From Liver Failure Mikey 2007 dude i knew in school Od'd Tom 2010 Od'd And Last But not least Ricky 2011 Hes mother found him bent over a fence frozen to death in the winter this year. And i know about 20 other dudes still alive but mind as well be dead there all zombies. Just like everyone else i knew including my brother they start with there drug of choice but for some reason always leads back to herion my bro started with durasic patches or somethin like that use to put the contents of the patch into mountain dew and drink it. Sad shit but i cant make ppl stop there is only so much you can tell someone if they dont want it for themselves noone will be able to help them.

this is pretty weird,do you live in or near philly because I know a lot of people by the same names you mentioned that od'd around the same times you posted.
lol that be pretty crazy if I found someone I know in real life on here.
I fucking love opiates!!! Hate OC's tho. Never got me right I had an opposite reaction. Shit was like speed to me and I didn't even itch so I said fuck em. I smoked opium for a bit and it was my favorite shit ever. I saw a potential problem happening so I quit and have never touched it again. I stay eating percs tho.
when i saw this movie trailer last week i was extremely affected. yep im from FL (pill mill capital) and ive seen alllll this shit. i was addicted to oxys and roxy when i was 15. i had to move out of there to get away from it all... i kno what its like to be in so deep.
LEGALIZE MARIJUANA and save our people!!!!!!!!!!!
I used to snort and smoke the original blue oc 80s not the new OP bullshit. I don't see why people get strung out on it. Its a little addicting but nothing that major. I'm just satin I don't mean to offend anybody
In every way. You can smoke it snort it slam it. Its an opiate. Shit will have you noddin off burnin holes in your shirt with lit cigarettes. Its expensive now. Id rather pick up some tar
is oxy really like heroin? In what ways?

It is sythethic herion not oxycodone i believe its OxyCotton which is like pure or something but the thing is ppl start off on OxyCotton but then there tolerance gets so high they have to start off with OxyCotton 40s and those are like 40 bucks around here for 1. Then once those aint strong enuff they go to 80s those go around 60 bucks for 1. Then once there rich parents stop giving them money they realize there 1000 dollar a week habit isnt possible so they say i cant get sythetic herion anymore now its time for the "real deal" and buy herion on the street for 5 bucks a line. Now you can see how pills destory our love ones, real sad process.
this is pretty weird,do you live in or near philly because I know a lot of people by the same names you mentioned that od'd around the same times you posted.
lol that be pretty crazy if I found someone I know in real life on here.

Well im from WNY i no a shitload of ppl in or near philly use to live there for about a year and unfort i do no ppl that od'd there as well hay you never know we might no eachother brother it is a small world
<Pointless Rant On> Ya we can't get real Molly anywhere in Florida because they're busting every single type of pharmaceutical shipment there is. If the damned PillPharms would quit producing addicts here maybe we could roll once or twice a year. <Pointless Rant off>
I have no idea what you call Molly on the west coast, but here Molly is just pure MDMA, or MDMA with a GNC type herbal stimulant. Beans are MDMA + ? pressed into a pill. Most molly is either straight crystal or in a capsule.
I know what mollys are. They're in the clear gel caps. Its pure mdma sold by .1 or .2. I was just sating I like it cut with other shit like mesculin(sp?)