Yea its nice in cali how is the weather in ny?
Former cali liver here.... Things I don't miss:
Water that tastes like ass…. And chlorine mixed together…
Neighbors so close next door to you… That your outside plants piss them off because they are former tweakers, and started with pot in HS and their daughter is in HS…
Home Depot with hordes of workers pounding on my truck looking for a job…
Freeways? Fukk… 12 lanes wide, 91 freeway at the 71 junction in corona…backed up the 55 all the way to Newport Beach…
Any afternoon traffic jam…You can’t get anywhere without a traffic jam…
Peeps that shouldn’t be driving, and yet being illegal, without a dri lic no matter…they do…
Grass Fires/forest fires…set by man, because fire in cali is big business, equipment needs to move into fire area and clear it…
Demographics, of where I lived in cali….I was a minority… Demographics now? Hahaha… everyone looks like me… except, fatter older looking…and less tan….
Water… Oh yea… I used to argue with my X wife, over when they were going to ration and shut off the water supply… water fights, over who gets to water what? Neighbors forced to call on neighbor cheats? That’s control…. Over you that just doesn’t happen in CNY…
Cali peeps think that NY means the city and that’s all…[My sis in law in cali]
I live in the country… Amish live by… The rivers are full… everything is green…there are fisherman parking lots next to rivers everywhere here… Hunting? Real close… Deer everywhere…Fresh corn is down on the corner…I can drive all day and just enjoy the scenery of a two lane road, and in cali, that’s only done along the coast…
Things are really green in CNY… No really natural green in cali… cali peeps have never scene anything like it, there is no brown anywhere…dirt/desert what’s that?
I have hundreds of birds serenading me every morning…. Look a red one, a yellow one, a humming bird…everything is so alive… in cali… brown is the rule….
I like the clean fresh thunderstorms we have, that washes away the blues…
Seasons… cali, warm, warmer, hot and fog were my seasons… And, I was born and raised in so cali… so speaking from a bit of experience…
I must admit, that jobs starting at 7am, across town [I lived in OC, drove to construction jobs in the SF Valley/Hollywood/etc] I would leave my place at 4:50 am, to get the 45 miles to job… My 1998 Ford full sized truck, with 460 cid in it has 320,000 miles on it… at 10-14 mpg for every mile… I’ve bought 30,000 + gallons of fuel… at $4.00 = $120,000.00 + for my truck to get to work, from 1998-2008.…
I’ve figured, I’ve spent 16,000 hours in that ten years wasting away in a traffic jam, or just driving to work…so, 666 days spent in 10 years behind the wheel of my truck…
Geeze what else could I have done with that time…
Enjoy the weather in S Cali… it’s really the only thing you got going for you….