Anyone else Amazed???


Active Member
I have heard that just being in the grow room is good if nothing less than the fact that with every breath you take you are emiting more co2 for your babies. Spend as much time in there as possible. I think about those guys who grow whole fields just for profit. They dont have a clue as to what kind of an enlightening experience it is to grow in a room of your house where you are in complete control. You almost find yourself at one with the plant. If I do something wrong or forget to water its like I forgot about my kid or something. I feel bad and get upset a little. My old lady doesnt understand either. She is always asking is there something important in there because you are in there every minute. What she doesnt know is if I could marry my plant and use the grow room as our chapel I would :mrgreen: I love my plant Im not sure if I will be able to cut her down come harvest......nevermind Yeah I will!!!bongsmilie:blsmoke:


Active Member
it never wears off! the more you grow the better you get that 40 inch plant will be come 50 then 60 each time we perfect it just a little more each time


Active Member
it never wears off! the more you grow the better you get that 40 inch plant will be come 50 then 60 each time we perfect it just a little more each time
Well I hope so I love it and wish this was my full time job. When im at work I think about her all alone in there. I even make a special trip home on lunch break to see her. I think Im in love:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I work from home and just go out and stare and look at the small changes I've seen every day. From the tiny light green veg shoots to the slowly but surely blossoming buds. When I cut my girls down and winter sets in I'm so pleased I´ll be able to get baked cos otherwise I really don't know what I'll do in those empty moments of the day when I just would watch nature in all it's glory.


Active Member
I´ll be able to get baked cos otherwise I really don't know what I'll do in those empty moments of the day when I just would watch nature in all it's glory.
I hear ya. My girl and I are going camping this weekending for my birthday and I cant wait to go get blasted and paddle around in the canoe. Nature is beautiful but there is no better way to really appreciate it than when your high. :blsmoke::peace:


Active Member
Every time I walk into my room I am amazed at the changes. This stuff can grow so much in just a day or two its amazing. I can go in and do some harsh pruning on Monday and on Wednesday i've got all those wonderful new growth tips. Awesome feeling. Spending time in your room is therapeutic. All that light is a good thing during the winter months to help with S.A.D. so if I ever get depressed I just go look at my weed and I feel so much better.


Active Member
I've found 10 min in veg room & 20 in the flower room works better than the lttle blue pill
Ask my DW about bending over to look at some fat


Active Member
I've found 10 min in veg room & 20 in the flower room works better than the lttle blue pill
Ask my DW about bending over to look at some fat
:twisted: LOL I hear ya. Nothin gets you ready to go like looking at those beautiful buds everywhere. Like going to a strip club. :mrgreen:


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
just another day to megeting medicated and loking at my plants.ya it does get old some time.. NOT hehehehehe


Well-Known Member
Nice lookin lady, man.:weed:
Yeah i stare at mine a lot. Like to sit in there and look at them for awhile before I go to sleep at night. Don't have to be high, either - they are like Sirens, calling to me.:mrgreen:


Active Member
Nice lookin lady, man.:weed:
Yeah i stare at mine a lot. Like to sit in there and look at them for awhile before I go to sleep at night. Don't have to be high, either - they are like Sirens, calling to me.:mrgreen:
When im hangin out in there its like all the problems I have got in my life just go away. Nobody nagging me, Nobody annoying me, Nobody wanting all the time. Just a little TLC and the plant is happy. It doesnt want much.