Anyone Else Blaze On 420 Without Realizing It?


Active Member
Happens to me all the time too, its definitely a sign of a true stoner in my books. I think its one of many stages, my biggest problem is if I buy just like an eighth I'll put it in my car forget, go on with the day, and way later realize I drove around with bud all day lol


Active Member
yeh i tend to do that alot also.

speaking of 420..i have to miss it again..for the third year in a row haha


Well-Known Member
I work till 5:30 and don't get home from the gym till 8:30.. But when I smoke at 9:20 it's got to be 4:20 somewhere..


Active Member
what time thingy you in?

i get drug tested by my school for the 3rd year in a row haha.