Ha ha yeah sometimes that's true too. The other day I brought a bottle of Ardbeg Spectacular($130-$150) over to a friend's house, or I thought I did, I accidentally put a bottle of Wee Beastie($45-$60) into the box that the Spectacular came in. We sat there reading the box comparing tasting notes. The descriptions don't always match my impressions but I felt like I could taste some of the things mentioned, the description didn't set any alarm bells off in my head that what I was drinking wasn't what they were describing. When I got home I realized what had happened, laughed, and felt like a complete moron for being able to trick myself so easily.
I brought both bottles back over to my friend's house we laughed about it and did some blind taste tests, the Spectacular was way more complex, and it wasn't too difficult to pick one out from the other in a blind test.
I'm not saying that I think that Spectacular tastes like Wee Beastie, it doesn't, but when I read the description of one while drinking the other I felt that some of the descriptions matched. I was able to trick myself and that was pretty enlightening.