Anyone else have to neglect their family because of their hobby this year?

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Well-Known Member
I prefer to stretch my "good time" with the family over a period of oh......every fucking day. Tell me, whats so special about this day to a buddhist anyway???

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
At first i thought you meant THEY were neglecting you because you smoke, so i felt bad. Now you just look like an asshole


Well-Known Member
I prefer to stretch my "good time" with the family over a period of oh......every fucking day. Tell me, whats so special about this day to a buddhist anyway???
haha just because I'm more inclined towards buddhism doesn't mean I don't recognise when others see a day as special... just because you'd rather see every day as special doesn't mean you shouldn't respect others believing this day is special, and joining them in their joys.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
yes, my opinion is the OP is an asshole because he skipped out on seeing his parents on christmas. Its an opinion, and its on the internet. get over it


Well-Known Member
yes, my opinion is the OP is an asshole because he skipped out on seeing his parents on christmas. Its an opinion, and its on the internet. get over it
this fool acts like he has some super rationalization that makes all holidays obsolete, when its actually dependant upon the people around you, not a selfish thought in your own head... have fun with that one dbkick


Well-Known Member
hhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, ......i imagine, .........

you are young and thinks it's cool to miss christmas with the family to hang with a plant. "braggin' rights" for tomorrow, so to speak.

a plant can EASILY be replaced. families can't.
fuck yeah. I have a grip of plants and would feed them a bottle of pure ph down before I would neglect my loved ones. must be a youngster


Well-Known Member
OP, time to come clean , whats the reason? I appear alone in your defense here , if you don't have a damn good reason I'm jumping ship, fabled religious holiday and all.


Well-Known Member
fucking asshole already jumped ship himself! Ok guys, nm all that shit I said, merry fucking xmas!!


Well-Known Member
I think the OP's mistake was choosing the word neglect. That implies his family is worthy of his attention in the first place, perhaps they aren't. My roommate refuses to see his family on Christmas because they are pure shit and couldn't care less if he was laying in a ditch the rest of the year. I am lucky enough to have wonderful parents and we will both be celebrating with them.

Perhaps he feels Christmas is a perfect time for someone to rip off his setup if they know he will be away. You can say that stuff is replaceable while family isn't, but bottom line is, it's just one day and there really is no logical reason why seeing family on that day is more important than the rest of the year. I do not believe in Christmas or any of the reasons we have the holiday, yet I spend time with my mom out of respect for her. If she did not deserve that respect, I would have no problem spending Christmas night with my plants instead.


Well-Known Member
I think the OP's mistake was choosing the word neglect. That implies his family is worthy of his attention in the first place, perhaps they aren't. My roommate refuses to see his family on Christmas because they are pure shit and couldn't care less if he was laying in a ditch the rest of the year. I am lucky enough to have wonderful parents and we will both be celebrating with them.

Perhaps he feels Christmas is a perfect time for someone to rip off his setup if they know he will be away. You can say that stuff is replaceable while family isn't, but bottom line is, it's just one day and there really is no logical reason why seeing family on that day is more important than the rest of the year. I do not believe in Christmas or any of the reasons we have the holiday, yet I spend time with my mom out of respect for her. If she did not deserve that respect, I would have no problem spending Christmas night with my plants instead.
even if they are this bad, you have the responsibility to reach to atleast tread the waters and see if they are still the same... its foolish to shun them off forever....


Well-Known Member
You know that probably does have a lot to do with the flame he's getting, topic wasn't worded right. I always have liked the way you think and get a point across heisenberg


Active Member
Though I've constantly told myself I hate my parents I spent christmas with them and stayed sober the whole time, just for them. If I were high they would tell me to leave.
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