Anyone else like Rudy?


New Member
In need of buds ...

Coulter's point with the 9-11 widows was: They are a few ultra liberal women who have an agenda and are using the deaths of their husbands to further that agenda. Also, they are using the fact that they are 9-11 widows to cut off debate. Leftists are great at that. They do the exact same thing with their debate about the war. As soon as someone starts debating them, they say: "Well have YOU served? Do YOU have a son/daughter in Iraq? This ploy has been used in this very forum. John Kerry used it during his presidential race. The 9-11 widows were doing it as well. In other words, they were saying: " You have no place in this debate, how dare you support the president. We lost husbands so WE know what's right."

And yes, Coulter put herself out on a limb. The liberals were all over her ass for it. But, they still obsfucated the point she was making ... and Lauer did it in that interview too.



New Member
In need of buds ...

Coulter's point with the 9-11 widows was: They are a few ultra liberal women who have an agenda and are using the deaths of their husbands to further that agenda. Also, they are using the fact that they are 9-11 widows to cut off debate. Leftists are great at that. They do the exact same thing with their debate about the war. As soon as someone starts debating them, they say: "Well have YOU served? Do YOU have a son/daughter in Iraq? This ploy has been used in this very forum. John Kerry used it during his presidential race. The 9-11 widows were doing it as well. In other words, they were saying: " You have no place in this debate, how dare you support the president. We lost husbands so WE know what's right."

And yes, Coulter put herself out on a limb. The liberals were all over her ass for it. But, they still obsfucated the point she was making ... and Lauer did it in that interview too.

Yeah, Ann Cuntler is a great person, HAHAHEHEHOHO~LOL~. You are too much.