Anyone else like to get baked and watch Star Trek?

Gettin' baked and watching Star Trek (original only) is an old skool stoner staple. Back in the day we'd sit around watching the intro and argue over what star was going to turn into the Enterprise. Hard to find the original on the TV anymore.
I always loved sci fi but never really got into star trek before. Just watched a little on TV when I was younger. I started watching Deep Space 9 online this week and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Almost done season 1. From what I read Season 3 is where it really starts to get good. Can't wait to see how these characters evolve.
I like to get high and watch Star Wars! The ones that came out first and don’t fucking suck.

And actually the new kind of bad ass Star Trek movies, I love a lot.

I was into “Next Gen” a lot when I was younger. Now I suck at following any and all tv shows, because fucking LIFE keeps getting in the way of me stories!
I was wondering if I am the only nerd stoner out there that likes to get high and watch Star Trek. Been watching voyager all day I'm digging it, im in season 4 now. Gotta love 7 of 9, that is one hot ass chick. I feel like they got back to the old school with voyager, I love TNG but Picard was kind of a pussy. Janeway is more of a cowboy like Kirk was. Anyways I hope this will be a fun ass thread full of all kinds of nerd speak lol.

The original Star Trek series is the only one I watch, stoned or not.

My favorite episode was "The Man Trap". It could have easily been an X-Files episode.