anyone else pissed at the dilution of marijuana strains?


Well-Known Member
what is with all these retarded strain that people make up. how many strain are even out there what happened to the dam pure know pure bread dogs are more diserable then muts doesnt the same go for pot jesus who the fuck wants super silver brown desiel??? does anyone else feel the same way?


Active Member
alot of times pure breds have certain weaknesses that mixing with another strain(or breed, think pit bulls, they are a rather new breed created from american bull dog and some type of hyper active terrier) can improve upon but other times it can create new problems. I don't see a problem with experimenting as long as the originals are kept alive.


bud bootlegger
you kinda have a point.. you would be hard pressed nowadays to find a pure landrace strain that hasn't been crossed in one way or another.. i mean, i'm sure that you travel the world and go to lowly populated areas and find some landrace genetics that haven't been tampered with as of yet, but its not all that easy nowadays to do so..
the one thing about creating new strains is that sometimes when you cross strains, you get what is called hybrid vigor, meaning that the children of the parents will grow stronger and faster than either parent.
there is a point though when genetics have been crossed to a point that the opposite will surely happen .. kinda like if you were to have a kid with your sister.. bad things can happen from too much inbreeding for sure.. what the answer is to all of this, i don't know..


Well-Known Member
you dont have to cross strains to build up resistance?? just let the plant grow out side so it develops its own resistances over time and passes it along through its own seeds?


Well-Known Member
The "liquidation" of strains has been going on for a long time now. That why IBL lines have been successful, i.e. Reeferman. No matter what you may hear or believe, the strains of yesterday were better- or should I say more potent. Alot of the newbies may disagree, but ask any long time grower (20 years or longer)- the smoke was way better years ago. Today, most everything tastes the same, smokes the same, looks the same, is close to the same. Disappointing to say the least, and all you can do is keep on trying.


Well-Known Member
No, actually I hate his stuff. I've grown out 6-7 of his things and they were all lousy. VERY DISAPPOINTING, to say the least. I still own a large number of his seeds that I refuse to sprout cause I've had such terrible results. My suggestion for you would be to get one of the Mr. Nice's (Shantibabba) Haze hybrids. Possibly Super Silver Haze or Mango Haze- 11-12 weeks flowering to sativa goodness. And you'll never have a complaint about his seeds!!!! My point was Reefer does alot of IBL work, as do some others.


Well-Known Member
you dont have to cross strains to build up resistance?? just let the plant grow out side so it develops its own resistances over time and passes it along through its own seeds?
What if people want to grow it inside...and want to build up resistance for the indoor atmosphere?


Well-Known Member
all seeds to all strains should be available, kept safe, like an endangered species, but new strains should also be (carefully) researched


Well-Known Member
The "liquidation" of strains has been going on for a long time now. That why IBL lines have been successful, i.e. Reeferman. No matter what you may hear or believe, the strains of yesterday were better- or should I say more potent. Alot of the newbies may disagree, but ask any long time grower (20 years or longer)- the smoke was way better years ago. Today, most everything tastes the same, smokes the same, looks the same, is close to the same. Disappointing to say the least, and all you can do is keep on trying.
i agree all this new shit is just a commodity......people trying to make money by fucking up the strains.............this being said o you know any sights that still sell the oldies that i can buy and stock pill and peserve the strains or at least whats left


Well-Known Member
A lot of times mutts have more character ;) I agree its getting excessive but some of the best and most rewarded strains In the world are hybrids and crosses. Variety is the spice of life


Active Member
A lot of times mutts have more character ;) I agree its getting excessive but some of the best and most rewarded strains In the world are hybrids and crosses. Variety is the spice of life
This. And it is just a marketing scheme really but a lot of times breeders put a lot of effort in and it is interesting to see what they come out with. It is impossible to say that one is better than another in all aspects without side by side comparison imo. Plus, a mind will get tired and laxidasical after 20 years of growing :D


Well-Known Member
the smells, growth, flavors, high, ...... are all different. each strain varies a little in it's own way. if you want vanilla all day that's fine. i prefer some double ripple, peanut butter fudge. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Let's see..... where to start. There are a few breeders out there that "specialize" in IBL's. I know of Reeferman and I think Ace Seeds. There's 1 or 2 more too, if you look for them. The breeders need to travel the world looking for seeds from the original grow areas- few are willing to do what it takes to find these gems. The point is with these seeds it enables you to grow out original, true breeding stock and do viable testing- with true breeding, staight lines instead of these crazy, mixed up genetics you find nowadays.

20+ years of growing has only sharpened my growing skills and improved the quality of my product. To think that everyone gets tired and laxadasical who grows long-term is ignorant and foolish............. the proof is in the pudding (or as I like to say, the "Bud"!!!) And remember, I said 20+ years of growing, not smoking. Well, OK, maybe 19 years of puffing (ha,ha).

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i try to keep the strains straight, i have 4 papaya now no male , so far i really like some of the traits of the papaya and want to save it some how , i will have to cross it with one of my many strains of pollen that i have saved


Well-Known Member
Frankly, I think that too much of the marketing relates to flavor and appearance-- also that elusive 'quality of high'. The focus is all wrong; these qualities can be managed somewhat in growing technique. We need improvements for growers.

Everybody likes yield and potency (though I am sure there are exceptions), so strains will continue to brag (and exaggerate) on that variable. I would like to see more focus on mold/disease resistance, branching, odor, etc. In short, I would like the seed companies to spend more effort improving the plant for different types of growing setups, instead of turning grass into some sort of fashion statement.

Cannabis is one of the largest cash crops in the world--- and we don't have a genetically modified strain yet? I know some folks would boycott Frankenweed, just like other genetically modified crops. But, wouldn't it be neat if there were a spider-mite resistant strain, or one that wouldn't stretch?

I will say that feminized seeds and auto-seeds are innovations for the market. They give growers more options. More of that, please!


Well-Known Member
When I evaluate strains to grow, here's my list of things in order of my importance:

1. Feminized

2. Flowering Time

3. Potency

4. Yield

5. Height

Things like taste, ease of growth, cost of seeds, and seed availability have only slight consideration. Everyone's list is different, I'm sure.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i have to follow many grow journals before i spend money on seed ,and if i find the smoke ability to my liking then i have a new strain that i keep going , without stepping on it by crossing