Ursus marijanus
A pound ... cn
I sometimes succumb to the temptation to make up a could-it-be? strain name, like Stripper Butt Lint. cnhow about all of the "can you tell me what strain this is" posts? damn, people.
When someone asks how much do you think I will yield?1st let me say somehow or another a newb will pop in with the same old tired ass question. How much do you think i"ll yield/
Thanx, and you"re right.+ rep for all your help , its not a good idea to let a few people asking the wrong question to affect you
lol thats a good pat answer, If I respond at all may tell themI never get "tired" of it. I look forward to seeing who says "at least a pound" first. Sometimes I'm the lucky bastard. It doesn't hurt anyone, well, almost no one. In my early growing days I once posted a pic of a bud and asked if anyone could ID it for me. The several pages fo responses that followed were a great laugh and lesson. It's the newbie section for a reason.
What's really bothering you, my friend?
Problem is, they don't give a shit, and most likely don't realize that thread jacking is frowned upon.Maybe the people who keep causing these im tired threads will actually read 1 of them and quit being so stupid.
this is the last bit of advice i gave on this topic... i think, if they listen, that soon enough they see how stupid the question really's a common rookie blunder to ask such questions... i'm not bashing you, but realistically, nobody can give you an accurate answer as there are too many variables involved. someone could tell you an oz, the next person will say a half pound, and the next will say you'd be lucky to get anything... just keep up with what your doin and be happy with whatever you end up with, otherwise you'll just end up disappointed.
Imo there are ignorant questions (which I will strive to answer) and there are also stupid questions. If I catch a whiff of laziness or insincerity or that special profound sort of cluelessness that suggests any answer won't be well understood, I figure it's either time to leave the thread, or be tempted to go after the large slow target.No such thing as a stupid question if you don't know the answer to it.
We all were nubs at one point. But I get how you would be annoyed by hearing the same questions over and over. Still though, keep in mind their state of mind. We all are built different.