Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?


Well-Known Member
Americans are so busy deciding if they are team Trump or team Biden. They never stop to think that they are both idiots that embarrass the USA to the rest of the world.

I thought it couldn’t get worse than Trump. I was wrong.

You now have a clearly senile, kid sniffing weirdo president. With more skeletons in his closet than Trump.

There is also more actual evidence of racist behaviour from him than Trump. Know what I mean maaaaaaaan.
I'm trying to imagine the size of the closet that could hold all of Trump's skeletons.


Well-Known Member
The judge definitely had a lot to do with it. The reality is that the judge would have treated a black man differently, and that difference in tone affects the entire trial. As far as self-defense, I think what the jury overlooked here is that Kyle wasn't attached in his own home, and defended himself. He placed himself with a weapon in the situation. That's antagonization, plain and simple. It's akin to walking out in the street, and shouting "fight me", then when someone swings you dodge and punch back in a false claim of self-defense. That isn't self-defense, that's picking a fight. Same as this little boy with a big gun Kyle did.
I agree, American law doesn’t I believe. I think the law is fcked.


Well-Known Member
Interesting take. Thanks for sharing the piece of shit angle.
isn't the ignore button a wonderful thing? when you get tired of hearing horseshit from horsecock suckers, you can just turn them off and hear the birds again, hear the breeze blowing through the trees, the breeze that says their archaic racist hate is slowly faltering and dying...
Gilbert Gottfried. Thats the original loud aggressive jewish comedian and atleast hes funny


Well-Known Member
Americans are so busy deciding if they are team Trump or team Biden. They never stop to think that they are both idiots that embarrass the USA to the rest of the world.

I thought it couldn’t get worse than Trump. I was wrong.

You now have a clearly senile, kid sniffing weirdo president. With more skeletons in his closet than Trump.

There is also more actual evidence of racist behaviour from him than Trump. Know what I mean maaaaaaaan.
The kid sniffing is a fabrication by the sort of media you choose. By posting this, which you have learned from foreign trollmasters, you’ve declared a side.