Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

You know what? I’m starting to think all the guys Rittenhouse shot were all Trump supporters incognito! I mean Rosenbaum's shirt was red as in Republican and Red MAGA hats! Omg! It wasn’t a protest it was a rally for the Far Right White Supremacists! They pulled it off skateboards and all!
There was a propagandist on the scene, so who knows there might have been one or two opportunist in that crowd. The ones doing all the violence though for sure looked white in the Rittenhouse trial.

One thing we know for sure though, is that a MAGA supporter is the one that was killing people with their sweet illegally purchased gun.

Right, but it is illegal for someone without a badge to play hero and use or even threaten deadly force to try to stop them.

Arsons illegal too LOL. I’m saying there was wrong on both sides but you guys want to act like the guys shot were just out walking their dogs in the park and were sniped off
Arsons illegal too LOL. I’m saying there was wrong on both sides but you guys want to act like the guys shot were just out walking their dogs in the park and were sniped off
See there you go again with your bullshit 'defense' troll. You can try all you want, but pretending like someone saying that you can't threaten deadly force to someone lighting a dumpster on fire if you are not a cop is not 'defending' them.

Your a right wing troll trying like hell to spin some bullshit 'own the lib' narrative, and you are failing.