Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

Well, if this doesn't describe you and yours to a T. Someone you know manages to go off and get an education, developing critical thinking skills and maybe, even (gasp!) a layer of empathy, and to your uneducated eye these people are brainwashed.

"....from the college they chose"

So this happened to different people going to different schools? Definitely must be brainwashing conspiracy then!

I’m saying I have seem quite a few people come back programed and losing their identity. Not finding themselves but rather deliberately dialed in to some agenda
Because 2 parents are required to raise a child properly. It has nothing to do with effort either. Women and men impart very different things to the upbringing of a child.


If you ask a lot of people the breakup of the black family by locking all the men up is a big part of that communities problem.
True, but that doesn't mean that the first part of your post is not just some handed down bullshit.

You know what the problem is with people these days?

They don’t live and let live. You can’t change people and how they think by arguing they have to be willing to change. Back in the day if somebody was racist we might try to interject something like “ Well there are good and bad people regardless of what they look like.” But in time either those kind of people realized how damaging hate is or they turned into bitter and wrinkled individuals that nobody wanted to be around. This whole getting in people’s faces and shouting them down just makes things worse.
Yeah the constant spam attack that the right wing propaganda trolls have been conducting on our society has been a giant pain in the ass and is indeed triggering people all over the place.

But that is just all part of their design.

Pointing that out when trolls are spamming the right wing narratives that are designed to try to trigger people is just putting on the warning label that their stupid shit should already come with.

I’m saying I have seem quite a few people come back programed and losing their identity. Not finding themselves but rather deliberately dialed in to some agenda
Like reality?

Or are you still talking about the right wing propaganda schools trying to teach that the world is 5000 years old and shit.
I don't get the personal insults on this board. Insults are the internet version of actual violence, the strongest expression of a weak mind.
Insults are an indication that there is no available reasoned argument. When I see someone go for insult, my first thought is “somebody just lost an argument”.
So the breakup of the black family is a bad thing, but breaking up all families in America is good?

Is this some of that snowflake male fragility shit?

Because the absolutism is bullshit man. Loving healthy families come in all shapes and sizes. Trying to pretend like 1 man and 1 woman is what it takes to have a well developed healthy child raised is nonsense.