Anyone else's new years resolution to stop or cut down smoking pot?

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
Well, mine is.

Not stop completely, theres too many strains i havent ripped yet haha

I am going to cut down though, from smoking an 8th a night, which might not seem a lot to some of you but im 19 and i never have money, isnt this age supposed to be where im out enjoying myself, crusing with the bitches and whatnot?

Fair enough that i enjoy myself when im high but i need to focus on getting a bit fitter (i aint fat, 10 stone 3, but i could use some good cardio and a bit more muscle) MMA training with the homies is a good place to start, but we end up getting high, having a quick spar, someone will land a shocking haymaker then we'll laugh at that for ages.

I dont think smoking pot has affected my minds state but i know ive changed from smoking it, i know for a fact that i will always smoke it, just gotta cut down a bit

until i get a job ;)

so anyone else cutting down/stopping?

and any tips? i know its new years day today, but i bought an 8th half hour ago :(
im cutting down remember ;) :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
You buy an 1/8th everyday and smoke much does it stated you dont work........where do you get the money. Just to high to buy for me I grow just a tiny bit.....1/4 gram a year for any POPO watching

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
IT was starting to get very expensive, so instead of thinking well heck, i'll obviously have to cut back to within my means, or alternatively start growing save a bundle of money and smoke more than you have lung capacity for :)

The Knuck

Active Member
I plan to smoke plenty this year.

But your only 19, seems like its a good idea for you to cut down if you feel it neccessary. good for you.

you have a lot of time to get high, get your life together and then you can puff your brains out.


Well-Known Member
Well, mine is.

Not stop completely, theres too many strains i havent ripped yet haha

I am going to cut down though, from smoking an 8th a night, which might not seem a lot to some of you but im 19 and i never have money, isnt this age supposed to be where im out enjoying myself, crusing with the bitches and whatnot?

Fair enough that i enjoy myself when im high but i need to focus on getting a bit fitter (i aint fat, 10 stone 3, but i could use some good cardio and a bit more muscle) MMA training with the homies is a good place to start, but we end up getting high, having a quick spar, someone will land a shocking haymaker then we'll laugh at that for ages.

I dont think smoking pot has affected my minds state but i know ive changed from smoking it, i know for a fact that i will always smoke it, just gotta cut down a bit

until i get a job ;)

so anyone else cutting down/stopping?

and any tips? i know its new years day today, but i bought an 8th half hour ago :(
im cutting down remember ;) :blsmoke:
In all honesty, you should get a vaporizer.

Your smoke will last you longer and get you a lot higher.

Not to mention your lungs will feel much better.

Ten bag

Well-Known Member
im on dole (jobseekers allowance) thats where i get money from, and the bank of mother of course
most weeks cost me about 140, but i only get 130 every 2 weeks, my mate is in the exact same predicament, cept he's on child benefit

id like more material possessions i guess? i play guitar an that, got a nice rig going on, id quite like to spend my money on new pedals and gear but i goes on sweet sweet marj jane without me even realising.

and fuck a vape, not sounding nasty btw, but arent they over 100 pound anyway for a goodun? haha
we smoke jays mostly, used to bong the shit outta my weed but i prefer to just sit and chill, music on, gta on, nice fat joint to toke on :)
if you eat it in a medible it will give you a whole different level of "high".

Why do all people from europe look pissed off? Is it your weather or the lack of dentists?

You look so angry......what is 1 stone 3 in real weight like kilos or pounds?


Active Member
Fuck no, what a terrible new years resolution.

If I had one, i'd say it's convert the average chem-script user to marijuana.
Why cut back? As long as you can do it responsibly whats the issue?


Well-Known Member
Mine to remember to pay my probation fees on time and not hit a joint just before I walk for our monthly talk. Oh and try not to hit the Wife and Kids as much as last year......maybe cut bck ot 3 times a year

Michael Phelps

Well-Known Member
Yeah im def cutting back on the herb... I mean by all means im still going to smoke the herb, i just need to be less dependent on it..

Total Head

Well-Known Member
it should be my resolution but it isn't. my short term memory is totally mia and i've developed an ability to sit completely still for an entire hour which has no useful purpose in my life. i've noticed that i've started to transpose a lot of letters when i type, and i'm pretty sure it has to do with the weed. it's not really lowering the quality of my life so i don't see a major problem. i am way overdue fro a break though.


Active Member
sorry dude if this is the case u best off getting a job

start off slow part time bar or something

u will feel more self worth and u can enjoy yourself more as a result + u will have cash - i pay £150 for an oz better than paying £200 u pay buying small bits

and if u can move out u can then grow your own with the cash u earnt

sorry to sound like your parents but u brought it up - gl dude what ever u do - and listen to macy gray 'do something' when u struggling

or u could go with bridgit fonda's reply to samule l jackson in jackie brown 'damn girl its 2 oclock' ...... :D