Anyone ever been a sugar daddy??

I’m gonna second the rub & tug idea lol. Likely be cheaper anyways.
Always cheaper in the long run, if you add up long distance calls, suppers, drinks, bdays,,, and the list continues,,, and god forbid you get her pregnant and pay child support till your on your last dying words,, you can buy a pretty nice 9.5 girl for a lot cheaper every few nights
I just started talking to this girl, she doesn't live around me but is from my hometown and comes home a 2-3 times a year. Thinking of being a sugar daddy to her I am late 30's and she is early 20's. She's def not a hoe, she went to a very small private school and def seems like a good girl. I kind of brought up sex and she said she's no prostitute. Thoughts? What should I say next?

I usually stay out of Toke -n- Talk so I don't get owned by @Gary Goodson, but I saw this thread and had to comment.

First off, you're too young to be a sugar daddy. You have to be mid 40's minimum.

Secondly, being a sugar daddy is a last resort of a would-be man that can't get laid any other way, so if you're thinking of being one, you're a loser. (Especially if you're thinking of being one in your 30's for crying out loud.)

A man in his 20's and 30's if single should be courting several sugar mamas for all they're worth. New car, new clothes, free dinner and drinks and you still don't go down on them.

You need help. Big time.
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I’m rich and don’t pay anyone to have sex with me....

Sugar daddies are paying whores.....if you pay her for sex.....she’s a prostitute. Doesn’t have to be cash...
I’m rich and don’t pay anyone to have sex with me....

Sugar daddies are paying whores.....if you pay her for sex.....she’s a prostitute. Doesn’t have to be cash...

Yeah. Sure. Right.

Anyway, there are three dots in an ellipses. Not 4, not 5, not 6. Three. (3)

You are also using them incorrectly.

If they take their dentures out, they give a good gum job.
Idk man ive heard a lot of great stories about old broads. Young girls just expect men to bend over backwards and do anything for them. Act like their snatch is something to be worshiped when they dont even take care of them. Gloria is going to appreciate your attention to a level where she will do anything for you, you want me to douche once or twice for you honey? Where the 20 year old girl is "yeah i took a shower a few days ago and trimmed up sometime in May, he will love eating this". Its funny how the roles reverse over time.