Anyone Ever Composted Before?

Ghost of Davy Jones

Well-Known Member
Hi friends. If I wanted to start a compost today how long would it take before it's usable. I wanna keep it organic. I was thinking just fruits, vegetables and leaves mostly..

If anyone has experience with this please chime in. I know nothing about composting yet, but trying to learn..
There's a whole section on here for it i the organic section man if I remember right plus the search function I'm sure will turn up a good bit of stuff.
I will probably research some info. I was hoping to get some tips from real people rather then what i find on the internet. lol.
I will probably research some info. I was hoping to get some tips from real people rather then what i find on the internet. lol.

Wasn't it "real people" that made the posts? If the Internet has developed intelligence to make posts on a cannabis forum, then more power to it and let's spark one up.
Wasn't it "real people" that made the posts? If the Internet has developed intelligence to make posts on a cannabis forum, then more power to it and let's spark one up.
I was talking about somebody real time that i could maybe ask a few basic questions to... Kinda how u and I are talking now. You know anything about composting buddy?
Compost pile takes about two years. It's a not a fast type situation.
Did some research and built up the guts to talk to my Mexican neighbor. He raises chickens in his garage for food, hunts his own ducks, and deer. He also has the biggest garden I've ever seen. It takes up half his yard. he has his own compost piles on the side of his house. When I was over there he grabbed a handful and smelled it then held it up to my nose.... He's a real gardener that's for sure. He told me compost piles take about 3 months. That's way less then 2 years.
Did some research and built up the guts to talk to my Mexican neighbor. He raises chickens in his garage for food, hunts his own ducks, and deer. He also has the biggest garden I've ever seen. It takes up half his yard. he has his own compost piles on the side of his house. When I was over there he grabbed a handful and smelled it then held it up to my nose.... He's a real gardener that's for sure. He told me compost piles take about 3 months. That's way less then 2 years.

There's different times for different things being composted.

Wood, egg shells, paper, Autumn leaves can take up to 3 years to rot. Things that are fast rot(6 months) are fruit peels, dead flowers, vegetable trimmings, cut lawn grass.... long to make compost.htm