Anyone Ever Get Tired Of Getting High By Yourself?


Well-Known Member
People may disagree, but in my terms people around my trip are just a distraction to navigate away from the intensity of the trip. I mean why talk? Is there anything to actually convey, I`m tripping, your tripping, the universe is out there and lolz! But it all depends on the drug too. What would you talk about, UFO`s and spacetime? :D

I used to feel anxious about being stoned around people but thats faded away, you just have to be brave and face it as just another trip :) Trip alone, entities in your mind. Trip with people, entities around you which you are reflecting your inner self upon. Tools in a sense but I think it gets too messy when everybodys mood and feelings are on stake in group trips (e.g when your not at a rave).

Best off trip with people I know, at a public trippy place with a group or alone :)


Well-Known Member
Shit !!!! Try being 44 yrs old and trying to make new friends with the "in" crowd ! LOL
I'm in your position. I'm 45 and on top of that hold a professional medical license that could be at risk if I was ever busted. Most of the people that hang with are much younger. It's a mixed crowd from early 20's to mid 30's but I'm the old guy (although most people think I'm in my 30's). We just took a camping trip up to the mountains with some very good shrooms.

Not knowing what you are like, but my Grateful Dead and Phish t-shirts help a lot to find 420 friends.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
There is different things We all trip ON ...
And there is different reasons people go ON Trips 4 ...
I do not remember the last time I tripped for 'Laughts' ... (not that there is anything wrong with that)

U got to figure OUT all the variables yourself ... My Man ... and take it from there ...


mindphuk .... You are not that OLD SIR ... :)