Anyone ever grown any automatic flowering dwarfs?


Well-Known Member
original lowryder - slightly taller plants, low yield , mild high often short lived.
lowryder 2 - shorter fatter plants 8-18", good yield if grown right and an improved high, citrusy yet relatively low odor.
dieselryder - somewhere around 18-24" during flower, good yield, good strong 'up' high, quite stinky plants in flower.

Low lifes auto ak,WR, etc, same kinda growth pattern as Dieselryder, tend to be good yielders, with great high dependent on your chosen auto strain.

Basically Autos are fantastic for newbies, or those who just wanna grow small amounts of smoke for themselves, or like me, to fill out empty spaces in the grow room.

There are a bunch of threads bout autos on here - use the search button, its your best friend.
also check out my profile, theres a bunch of links to threads on there bout autos and growing tech.


Well-Known Member
I just basically am gonna move soon and Im trying to squeeze in one more crop and I seen these are done in 8- 9 weeks from seed


Well-Known Member
Cool I just bought some of those. I didn't know they finished that fast. By the way, the search button doesn't work frosty...


Well-Known Member
Yea they finish quick and im not used to the lights being 20/4 the whole plant life...Did u get the grossmatic?


Well-Known Member
Um I just bought 2 out of the pick and mix. I think it was that strain just from a different company. Yeah same thing just from lowlife.


Well-Known Member
With most autos, i find its better to go 18/6, as they really seem to like the 6 hrs downtime, without any loss in yield.
After 4wks you can stck them on 12/12 again with virtually no resulting loss in yield.


Well-Known Member
I dont know about dwarfs but I gotten tons of plants with over an ounce..Most I ever got off one was a skywalker


Well-Known Member
Yes an oz is relatively easy to achieve if you have sufficient light.
I regularly get between 1-2oz from my own autos, and all of the LR2 etc that i have grown in the past has been around the same weight.


Well-Known Member
Mistermicro is running a grow soon that will be using my own beans( including my auto ECSD), so you can see how they fair in his 150w hps cab.. provided he gets some ladies.