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How do you pollinate only half the plant?
Water as required really....sorry thats not really a help but, only you'll be able to tell when they'll need seem to be the person with all the knowledge so here goes, i am going to start my first grow and am undecided on the seeds, its going to be either auto ak47 x lowryder 2 fems, or lowlife white russian fems.
I'd go for the AK, my buddys done several grows of both, and the AK was def the better of the two for yield,not hugely different, but there was more...dont remember the weight, i'll see if i can find out.
which do you think is better to smoke and which has the highest yield??.
I like the smoke of both, theyre both real nice auto strains, and see above..
also i have 10l pots put can use 15l if neccesary, what do you think??.
I'd try the 10L first n see how you go, I personally dont think they'll out grow them..
what is the coldest these plants can be grown in as i am growing them in my shed and it gets very cold here.
They'll continue to grow at temps around 50-55*F, any lower and they just sit there doing zip! They'll also tolerate temps in the low 80's...The ideal is to tryn to aim for around 75* lights on and 60-65 lights off...Poss use a greenhouse heater when the lights are off, to keep the temps up at a reasonable, constant temp, and to help compensate for any sudden drops in temp outside...A greenhouse type heater will also help keep the roots at a constant temp and provide CO2....If you do use a heater, remember to make sure its still venting when the lights are off, or they'll be choking in CO2, not using it.
i am using a 400w grolux spectrum lamp so would that be enough to grow 12 of these plants under in a 4ftx4ft space, and how much and how often should i water them???
Yup, they'll do just fine, if they do get a lil too bushy and start to block each others light, try loosely tieing the fan leaves themselves
A good supply of co2 would be good, particularly if temps are quite high..They'll grow just fine without additional co2, but obviously a better suplly will help them grow better.Once again., the man with all the answers!!! thanks for the info again frosty....will use everything u said and try your way since it's sounds easier and cheaper than E+F or Drip....So what multipurpose compost would u reccommend for the autos???
See if you can get organic MP compost at your local garden store/supplier, if not the Fox farm stuff is always pretty good, as is Wests MP with added john innes...Most autos work well in Wests advanced PLUS, but my other strains didnt like it one bit.
See whats available at your local store, then look for the compost reviews and comparisons online is your easiest bet.
what 600w HPS bulb do u reccommend. i'll be using a swicthable ballast,(lumintek) and light shade, (daystar A/C 6", sunleaves A/C 6" or cool tube 6") (which one u reccommend<<)
Its your call on bulbs you can either go for the standard HPS bulb or one of the slightly more expensive grow bulbs...I personally would just use standard HPS..I like the Daystar units...Also, I will be vegging with a 600w MH...that ok for these girls? Yup they'll love it for the first 2-3 wks.
and a question for air movement in the homebox XL....what cfm # should the can fan be for this set-up and what brand/kind?
It kinda also depends on your temps too..If my cab ran a lil cooler l(10*F) i could use 2 x 12v pc fans, but it doesnt, so i use a 4" bathroom extractor fan bought off ebay for the exhaust on the top of the cab, and a 12v pc fan intake on the bottom of the rear of the cab.(intake has pantyhose on the outside to stop shit getting sucked in.
TBH i dont actually need the 12v running unless its a particularly hot day or my wife has the fire blazing,as the 4" pull more than enough air.
, as well as what size/kind of carbon filter/scurbber should I get?
Either make a custom fit DIY scrubber, look in the DIY section, or you can buy them to fit the 4" > fans.
and finally, what are your thoughts on Co2??(use or not??) and best way to battle insects? WHAT TO USE? (besides pyrthine fogger..[PCO])(<<mis-spelled, but I think u know what i'm talking about!)tryin to make these babies burst with full potential!!!!
How many CFLs you running? 4 per hood?? how many hoods?? or just the 4 CFLS in 1 hood?Hey Frosty..You ARE the man!!
Nah not really bro,but thanks anyhoo.. i just ike breeding autos, and theyre often underestimated by many growers..which sucks cuz theyre killer lil strains.
I've been toying with the idea of doing autos, but had a bunch of Q's..and you've answered them with me pulling what little hair I've got left searching through the various threads.Most important of the Q's was about growing for seed stock..Thanks to you, now I will.
Great- no point buying seed when you can make your own..
This is my plan. I've been growing a modified SOG with my others. I use 32x18x14 tubs with, depending on strain and training with up to 32 plants per. Lowryder suggests using 5l pots as they seem to be deep rooting. I'm thinking of having 8-10 per.
Those should be fine..
This will allow the roots to spread out to there hearts content. In your experience, how large is the diameter?
Mine average approx 14-16" diameter. i have had a few that were upto 22" wide, but those are scarce in my cab..If they get too wide,just tie them up a lil..They respond well to Bondage, oops meant LST jut like an other strain without any hassles
Do the plants tend to stay within the diameter of the pot?
If you mean by that, if you put them in a 10" wide pot, would they only grow 10" wide??
NO......i sometimes grow them in 2L soda bottles, which are 14" deep and approx 6" diameter..and the Autos still pretty much always end up around 14-16" wide, and anyhere from 14-24" tall..
My next grow is gonna be around 16 soda bottles in my cab, under the 150w + 70w HPS... to see my cab spec and pics, visit the ink in my sig.
The pots are approx 10 in around. Oh, I grow under CFL's in 4 bulb hoods..the bulbs are 125w each.
well the once i had spidermites they didnt touch any of my autos, but not too sure bout other bugs...Altho slugs LOVE them if theyre outside.
Theyre quite hardy, they'll still continue to grow at temps around 50-55 but they slow down ALOT which will spoil the grow., any lower and they'll stop growth all together like any other regular strain (with the exception of Ruderalis Inidica which seems to withstand temps just lil above freezing quite well)
With enough light they'll be vigorous as hell..
I've only ever experienced mold on two outdoor Lowryder2, but the weather had been real bad, and those two were in a bad position in the garden.
Basically, Autos are no different from any other seed strain, other than the fact theyre auto flowering and tend to be alot shorter than a non auto strain that is left to flower naturally.
Whoa Frost now you're way a Head of me.. But I think I'll try some genetic tomfoolery yet another crotchety one that was a nurseryman in the day and he's going to assist me.! We're also going to try some true cloning as it's done to the high end orchids. Grind up the tips.. mix with medium..set in sunny spot..viola!! hundreds of tiny theory. I'm also going to get a Dwarf mix and breed for seed. Now, did you breed yours from other dwarfs, or right from the ruderalis x cheese?My favorites are the strains i've bred, currently auto ECSD x uk cheese.
Yields real well, and seems to have good genes so far..
But if i was gonna buy beans it woud be auto ak , auto white russian or auto kush.
all great strains, with good yield,easy growing, and generally good genetics.