i was thinking about growing tea for next year, has anyone done it before what is a good kind for making tea at home? any tips would be helpful, thanks
i had a friend in england who put some seeds out and it grew almost like a wold plant! it probably needs more care than that though (srry i was no help lol but i like tea too)
You talking just green tea? I've grown plenty of herb gardens and used the dried herbs for teas.
Very simple, and fresh herbs from your own garden are always much more rewarding than buying something from a store. In fact, it makes me feel a bit of a cheater to put one of those little tea packets down into a cup of hot water...
They've always treated me right. Good germination rate, and they provide great info on all of the herbs and seeds that they sell.
One of my personal favorites is a simple chamomile tea before bed. Great tea for those nights when you cant get your head to calm down, and fresh chamomile is so much more tasteful when its not in one of those little Lipton tea bags.