anyone ever heard of red rock opium?

lol.. red rock "opium" is what is referred to as Dragon's Blood incense. It won't get you high.
Man, the same people that are getting high off this "Red Rock Opium" are the same dopes getting scammed buying bags of Oregano on the street. There's a sucker born every minute. Don't be no fool!
Maybe some of you have had red rock opium that was real but where they used the incense as cut. That said, I personally have never come across any potent red rock.

If you've smoked real opium you would know it. It's the best smelling drug on the planet and it's pretty much impossible to be more relaxed. The right combination is some weed in the bottom of the bowl, then a drop of hash oil on top, and then the opium mixed in with more weed and put on top.

Or if you're a purist you can use hot knives or other techniques.
Some of the best opium has a reddish or brown color, not black. Cooked opium is crystalline and has an amber/brownish color. Raw opium is brown tar that will blacken with age.

Dark red? "Red rock opium" is fake or cut the fuck up.
the best opium i ever had was brownish tar that sort of oxidizes with age and smells like the best damn flower field you've ever come across...
red rock is a raw "tar" incense...
Fresh opium coming out of the pod is white then drys in a few hours to a reddish brown color. If you have it in little pieces in will get hard.
most "Opium" sold these days is actually black tar heroin, but red rock opium is fake, it dragons blood incence like said above ^^^
most "Opium" sold these days is actually black tar heroin, but red rock opium is fake, it dragons blood incence like said above ^^^

If you could mistake the smell of black tar heroin and opium, you would be mentally retarded. Opium smells pretty like flowers, black tar smells more like vinegar.
If you could mistake the smell of black tar heroin and opium, you would be mentally retarded. Opium smells pretty like flowers, black tar smells more like vinegar.

Oh beleive me i WILL know opium from Tar but there are shady ass dealers out there who turn highschool kids on to heroin by telling them the tar heroin
they sell is opium, so the kids arent scared away by the scairy "HEROIN" and smoke the more acceptable Opium, afterwards theyre hooked on smoking tar. Shady shit, lots of kids around here in the Bay Area started smoking tar when they were told its opium. Beleive me bro i know Ope from Hop.
Now i know why dragons blood is the fastest selling incense at my local smoke shop bwahaha
LOL I just got some of that shit from a friend a few days ago I smoked it in a bowl and put some in a blunt yes it made it burn slow but made the weed taste nasty and didn't feel shit off it and he told me that he sells it for 80.00 bucks for 7 grams I was like you can keep that thats the second time I had some and the last time
LOL I just got some of that shit from a friend a few days ago I smoked it in a bowl and put some in a blunt yes it made it burn slow but made the weed taste nasty and didn't feel shit off it and he told me that he sells it for 80.00 bucks for 7 grams I was like you can keep that thats the second time I had some and the last time

haha, notice it smells like a church ?

i have resin incense, they need to be placed on a red hot piece of charcoal to burn right.... very powerful smell and a lot of smoke .... i cant imagine directly inhaling that shit :o
haha, notice it smells like a church ?

i have resin incense, they need to be placed on a red hot piece of charcoal to burn right.... very powerful smell and a lot of smoke .... i cant imagine directly inhaling that shit :o
lol yo where you get the picture of mr.t at thats funny as shit or I'm really stoned right now