Anyone ever made a hanging plant???


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of trying to make a hanging plant. You know like a spider plant but with a pot plant.....maybe cause I'm high it sounds like it might work......was wondering if anyone had ever tried this??? Maybe somthing like the 5 gallon buket up side down hanging with holes in it for the plants to pop out of...


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you can find them at most hardware/home improvement stores. I know Dr.greenhorn was real happy with his.


Active Member
well, as far as growing tomatoes in them they suck, so i could only imagine that weed is gonna suck more in them. they are too small to get any good root system going. Have to water it so much because there is not enough soil to retain the moisture. Maybe someone could do something, but in my opinion, stick with what you know.


Well-Known Member
someone on here had a grow j. goin on a while back with the topsy turvy..

he was postin it ether in newbi central or g. marijuana growing..

and it was lookin good..but i havent seen his thread in a while...