Anyone ever mix AN Connoisseur with the Fox Farms Trio in Flowering?


Well-Known Member
I'm so tired of listening to Homebrewer trash any nutes that cost more than $15 bucks. Maybe your a cheap ass, and don't want to even entertain the idea that expensive nutes work as well.

What? You going to recommend Dyna-Gro again? Blah, blah, blah.


Well-Known Member
So do you follow the dynagro recommended levels or do you have your own method?
Each strain is different but generally you want to start out at like 1.4 EC in hydro (1000ppm on the 442 scale or .7 conversion) and see how your levels drop each day. Maybe your strain can handle 1.7 EC but pushing them is not necessary. Your plants know how to grow and as long as there is food in your dirt or res, the roots will pull it up. That being said, I've kind of settled on a combo of grow and bloom throughout flower in order to keep them green until harvest day. I think their recommended levels are too high.

Is EC relative to your particular solution? Did you have the same EC for DynaGro as GH (if thats what you used to use)? I try to stay close to recommended strength and my church and SLH are doing alright but I've switched over to fox farm base and solubles and haven't had any problems. Do you look for a magic number, or just at what level your plants are happy?
Regardless of the nutrient brand, I will feed at the same EC level. Link below to convert EC to ppm:

For dirt, I don't like anything over about .7 EC.

I'm so tired of listening to Homebrewer trash any nutes that cost more than $15 bucks. Maybe your a cheap ass, and don't want to even entertain the idea that expensive nutes work as well.
Hey Aussie, I'd love to see your plants moneybags, where are your journals?


Well-Known Member
Hey Aussie, I'd love to see your plants moneybags, where are your journals?

My plant's moneybags? Come again? And my journal is in my sig, I'm not by any means saying you're not an accomplished grower. I've seen your threads, you grow great medicine!

I'm just tired of you coming into threads and try to convince people to use Dyna-Gro, when they already have a nutrient line-up picked out.

I am starting to think you work for Dyna-Gro...


Well-Known Member
My plant's moneybags? Come again? And my journal is in my sig, I'm not by any means saying you're not an accomplished grower. I've seen your threads, you grow great medicine!

I'm just tired of you coming into threads and try to convince people to use Dyna-Gro, when they already have a nutrient line-up picked out.

I am starting to think you work for Dyna-Gro...
Ok, then use Jacks or peters or any 3 part that was copied from GH. Now I work for 4 companies now ;).

EDIT: I also didn't come into this thread recommending a brand, I was asked. I think it's important for people who haven't been around that long to let them know that big $$$ doesn't mean big yields. It's just simple nutrition. I digress.


Well-Known Member
Each strain is different but generally you want to start out at like 1.4 EC in hydro (1000ppm on the 442 scale or .7 conversion) and see how your levels drop each day. Maybe your strain can handle 1.7 EC but pushing them is not necessary. Your plants know how to grow and as long as there is food in your dirt or res, the roots will pull it up. That being said, I've kind of settled on a combo of grow and bloom throughout flower in order to keep them green until harvest day. I think their recommended levels are too high.

Regardless of the nutrient brand, I will feed at the same EC level. Link below to convert EC to ppm:

For dirt, I don't like anything over about .7 EC.

Hey Aussie, I'd love to see your plants moneybags, where are your journals?
I wasn't asking for advice on growing in hydro, I was asking what you did with dyna gro.


Well-Known Member
Ok, then use Jacks or peters or any 3 part that was copied from GH. Now I work for 4 companies now ;).

EDIT: I also didn't come into this thread recommending a brand, I was asked. I think it's important for people who haven't been around that long to let them know that big $$$ doesn't mean big yields. It's just simple nutrition. I digress.
Also you were not asked to recommend a brand but did in fact recommend one. Your original statement that was all expensive nutrients are crap.

So yes you do harp on about it but you are entitled to a voice just as aussie has the right to be tired of you repeating yourself.

And for the record, I have seen your journals, you grow well but I would happily take you on any day in a grow off. Far too often people in these weed growing circles want to portray the image that growing good weed indoors or out is all that hard, it's no different to achieving anything else, time and due diligence.



Well-Known Member
Ok, then use Jacks or peters or any 3 part that was copied from GH. Now I work for 4 companies now ;).

EDIT: I also didn't come into this thread recommending a brand, I was asked. I think it's important for people who haven't been around that long to let them know that big $$$ doesn't mean big yields. It's just simple nutrition. I digress.
But if you had to choose a favorite from your employers, we all know it would be Dyna-Grow, right? ;-)

Sorry, if I come off like a dick. Been in a bad mood since I got some unfortunate news on my grandfather's degrading health/cancer growth.

Either way, I would love to smoke what you grow, and I'm sure it would be awesome. I will reiterate this again, you are a damn good grower!


Well-Known Member
Is your memory seriously that short?

I'm in.

Also, at the end of the grow, we'll send samples to a member or members, they'll decide the winner.
when I asked that it was not an enquiry, I knew what you were going to say from the start.

I have no problem in a grow off but again wanted to highlight to you it's ridiculousness unless we were neighbours, do you really think I'll be sending a sample/samples off to people all over the world to see who is better.

Yeah right!!


Well-Known Member
Wow ok. I will have to see whats up. I just finished feeding a Church that went into flowering a few days ago and it was 8ml Tiger Bloom 10ml Big Bloom 1/4 tsp Open Seaseme per gallon and on my Blue Lab combo meter I came up with 6.0 ph (after nutes, prior was 7.2) 1.9 EC 930ppm. I'm in Promix also if that makes a difference because I did run a lighter solution when I was in Ocean Forrest and Light Warrior, but didnt have my meter back then, or understand the importance of good record keeping (just now realizing the neccessity of it). Thanks for the information.


Well-Known Member
when I asked that it was not an enquiry, I knew what you were going to say from the start.

I have no problem in a grow off but again wanted to highlight to you it's ridiculousness unless we were neighbours, do you really think I'll be sending a sample/samples off to people all over the world to see who is better.

Yeah right!!
Just so we're clear here, YOU asked me what nutrients I used, yet you deny it. YOU challenge me to a grow off and are now backing out? :lol: Whatever man, you just hit me up when you want to do this.


Well-Known Member
when I asked that it was not an enquiry, I knew what you were going to say from the start.

I have no problem in a grow off but again wanted to highlight to you it's ridiculousness unless we were neighbours, do you really think I'll be sending a sample/samples off to people all over the world to see who is better.

Yeah right!!
You don't have to send it all over the world. I volunteer myself to be an unbiased mediator. Feel free to send me a sample, and I'll be the judge. :-)


Well-Known Member
Just so we're clear here, YOU asked me what nutrients I used, yet you deny it. YOU challenge me to a grow off and are now backing out? :lol: Whatever man, you just hit me up when you want to do this.
I asked knowing what you would say, does that compute in your head?

As for a grow off sure...where do I send my sample?


Well-Known Member
I was trying to point out that homebrewer is predictable, no one is questioning he can grow a good bud but so can many people. You don't need a flash of dicks so prove who is best......comprende' ?????


Well-Known Member
I asked knowing what you would say
Ah good, you're now admitting that you were the one that asked.
As for a grow off sure...where do I send my sample?
My rules for the grow-off:
1) the grow must be documented on RIU.

2)We agree on 3 people to send 1g samples to.

3)The product is judged on looks, smell, taste, but above all, potency. After all, this is a pissing contest ;).

Care to add any rules?


Well-Known Member
Ah good, you're now admitting that you were the one that asked.
My rules for the grow-off:
1) the grow must be documented on RIU.

2)We agree on 3 people to send 1g samples to.

3)The product is judged on looks, smell, taste, but above all, potency. After all, this is a pissing contest ;).

Care to add any rules?
Thank you for admitting you want a pissing contest, I wanted you to show your true colours all along, you are predictable.

My rules are this, I do not send samples to anyone beyond my shores, you don't like that tough, if you can't see how lame you are then you will play by my rules.

And if you're as confident as you think you are then you will agree to this as I am so clearly the underdog.



Well-Known Member
Thank you for admitting you want a pissing contest,

My rules are this, I do not send samples to anyone beyond my shores, you don't like that tough, if you can't see how lame you are then you will play by my rules.

And if you're as confident as you think you are then you will agree to this as I am so clearly the underdog.

Yap, yap, yap, you just let me know when you grow a pair and we'll do this then. I'll ship anywhere, to anyone. Ball is in your court.