Anyone ever see their plant move before your eyes?


Active Member
I just did, it was trippy. I put it out in the sun and the leaves were looking a little droopy. So i watered it and the whole top of the plant slightly fell over.
Its fine now the leaves just perked back up.
Its weird i dont know if its because it got bigger. But lately it wants more water, Before I hardly ever watered it and now its every few days. bongsmilie

Illegal Smile

Mine waves at me when I walk by and once when I didn't keep nutes up it gave me the finger.


Active Member
It is fun to watch a whole crop settle down when the lights go out. If you sit and stare at the plants as the lights turn off, everything moves. It is a cool experience.


Well-Known Member
sometimes I worry that my plant will roll me and smoke me like in scary movie! It'd look a little like this I imagine



Well-Known Member
I'll b paranoid if my plants move - proli b DEA camoflouged in to sting me when i walk through my garden!


Well-Known Member
no, but once on acid i saw like 8 acres of grass land rolling like ocean waves. it was one of the best trips i ever had.