Anyone ever tried llama manure?


i have access to some organic composted llama manure and was wondering if anyone has tried using it? It seems pretty decent NPK is a little over 2-1-1 but it also has a shit load of micro nutrients.


Active Member
No, but i hear it tastes like shit! lol.

Actually I heard that it is better than bat guano and wont burn your plant.


haha I'm sure it does taste like shit! I've been debating about trying it but unlike a lot of other people here I don't like to experiment so I'm hoping to find someone who has actually used it before I do :) I might just have to go for it though and maybe make it my first journal on here

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
The only real thing you have to be mindful of when considering manures are the potential pathogens present in the fecal matter. Most any kind of manure will be beneficial...cow, chicken, rabbit, bat, seabird...but some have harmful pathogens that are unhealthy for the plant or for humans to handle. This is the reason people don't use human feces or pig poo...just too many harmful nasties.

So, Llama manure is probably a good supplement to your grow...other people seem to indicate they've used it or read someone else using it, which bodes well for you...:leaf:


Thanks Mr. Garcia. I'm pretty sure I'm going to try it on my next run, just need to pick up some clones now. The manure has been composted so hopefully that will help with any pathogens but I guess I'll find out soon enough.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
The manure has been composted so hopefully that will help with any pathogens but I guess I'll find out soon enough.
The fact that it is already composted is a bonus as that makes it ready to use, though I don't know if it removes any pathogens. I wouldn't worry about it too much should be getting a fine soil amendment.

Are you planning on making a tea out of it or incorporating it directly into your medium? Are you using soil?


I thought that composting kills alot of the bacteria and other stuff because of the heat generated during the process. I use earth juice amazon bloom and was thinking about mixing some of the manure in towards the middle/bottom of my pot and supplementing with tea (llama manure and worm castings) a few times during veg.


Active Member
how do you know the npk do you know if its hot like chicken manure some manuers you have to let set foe a while but go for it just start with a little in a house plant or tomato plant


The NPK was on the producer's website-"Peruvian Gold Organic Llama Manure derived from composted llama manure produced at Winterfalls Ranch in Pollock Pines, Calif. Provides the following organic macro/micronutrients, *nitrogen 2.0%, potassium 1.2%, phosphorus .68%, phosphate 1.56%, potash 1.48%, sulfur .42%, magnesium .77%, calcium 2.93%, sodium .080%, Iron 1854 ppm, manganese 510 ppm, copper 26 ppm, zinc 87 ppm, and boron 26 ppm." and it also says on there that it does not burn plants and I have heard that from others as well. I should be starting my next grow in the coming weeks and am will to do a journal on here. I emailed the producer and they are sending free samples right now plus shipping so I might as well go for it I guess.


Well-Known Member
The NPK was on the producer's website-"Peruvian Gold Organic Llama Manure derived from composted llama manure produced at Winterfalls Ranch in Pollock Pines, Calif. Provides the following organic macro/micronutrients, *nitrogen 2.0%, potassium 1.2%, phosphorus .68%, phosphate 1.56%, potash 1.48%, sulfur .42%, magnesium .77%, calcium 2.93%, sodium .080%, Iron 1854 ppm, manganese 510 ppm, copper 26 ppm, zinc 87 ppm, and boron 26 ppm." and it also says on there that it does not burn plants and I have heard that from others as well. I should be starting my next grow in the coming weeks and am will to do a journal on here. I emailed the producer and they are sending free samples right now plus shipping so I might as well go for it I guess.
Make sure you put a link on this thread to your grow journal. I can't wait to see the results of this stuff. Thanks :bigjoint:


Active Member
I think I just jizzed a little in my shorts after those last 2 pics. Very nice. Have fun chopping that up. How long do you have left?


Bump for a harvest pic. This was my third full outdoor grow using peruvian gold. The shit is good and no one I know is sharing that info, hell, it took me this long to finally get back here and update, but figured it might help someone. I tossed the bottles in size reference, they are 32 ounce bottles so you can tell how big those buds are..

photo (9) - Copy.jpg

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
The things that makes one manure better than another are 1) diet of the shitter. NO meats. 2) the amount of semi-digested organic matter. A good manure has a fair amount of organic matter left in it. Most grazing animals fall into this category. I hear that Elephant Poo is among the best of manure in this area, but I'm still sold on bunny manure. (SO much easier raising bunnies than elephants!)


Well-Known Member
I thought grazing animals manure tended to be salty?
I guess it depends on the food.
I would think grass fed llama poo would be better than commercial fed llama poo.

I top dress my entire yard with 20 year old horse manure each year. My flowers are doing better each year.

We are talking about LLama poo, not Lama poo, right?

The one-L lama,
He's a priest.
The two-L llama,
He's a beast.
And I will bet
A silk pajama
There isn't any
Three-L lllama.